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I'm stuck at the same point, and would love a hint / spoiler!

A key sequence:

1 shift-b shift-1 b shift-t shift-b 1 b shift-1 t

It wouldn't solve every issue. Nothing will. But hopefully cameras could prevent the situations that I've heard about directly from people, where drivers wouldn't let them out the car and we asking for their number, or were asking for dates/propositioning them, etc.

And who knows, if the situations you quoted there began with a driver forcing them into his place, or following the rider into her house, then a camera could also have prevented them - or have been clear evidence.

The book "Happiest Baby on the Block" goes into a lot of detail about this. I've not read it, but watched the ~10 minute video that accompanied it.

It was possibly the most useful 10 minutes of new-parent advice we could have gotten. Definitely try to find that book; highly recommended.

Well, we looked at those gigantic pyramids, translated the hieroglyphs in some places to mean that a dangerous curse would afflict anyone who entered, and then went in to explore / loot the places.

So... yeah. That's the level of being willing to ignore warnings that we have to prepare for.

It definitely varies. In NYC, I stayed in a 4000sqft Chelsea apartment, with a private bathroom, grand piano and incredible art, for $125 a night.

It does depend on more than just the city.

There’s no chance this is true. Please share the listing

There's every chance this is true. Except I just checked the listing, and it's now $181.

There's more details on Rob Walling's blog here: https://robwalling.com/2018/10/12/my-next-act-the-first-star...

What are they wasting? Per the article, this is material that was already destined for the trash.

And now a million people get to enjoy it as an enhancement to their evening.

Right, but at the cost of throwing waste on the ground. I’m not arguing that it is harmful (i’d imagine it biodegrades pretty easily) but it seems flippant to me to assume zero impact.

Why do we enjoy fireworks? Party poppers? Potato canons? Streamers? Tinsel on Christmas trees?

It's fun and pretty, and sanitation apparently has no problems cleaning it all up afterwards.

This would come off as meaningful if you didn’t dismiss the environmental impact without even acknowledging its existence. I am not against celebrations like these so long as you can acknowledge their impact.... sanitation workers are not responsible for our actions, regardless of how content they are to clean the visible impacts from the streets.

Except the Touch didn't have a data connection. 'Voice calls' isn't the killer feature of a contemporary smart phone, an always-on internet connection is.

Indeed. If iPod touches had cellular radios in them, I wouldn't need an iPhone — but then they'd probably also cost the same, so I'd just get an iPhone anyway.

Is a celular radio really $400 or so? Or why is there such a different pricing scheme?

The iPod touches also have lower-quality displays, lower-capacity batteries, base units have less storage capacity, usually have older or slightly underpowered A chips, and lower-quality materials leading to a slightly inferior build quality compared to iPhone.

(Also, iPod touch hasn't been updated for three years)

That is true today, but when back when the iPhone was released they were almost identical, sans the cellular radio, speaker, and microphone.

Abacus launched easier this year, to fill some of that gap:


Though they're still more long-form editorial than "here's what happened this week."

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