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How would those solve the instances mentioned in the article?

>One woman claims that after spending an evening with a friend, she was “raped and sodomized” by her Lyft driver in his home. In 2016, another woman ordered a Lyft after a night out. Hours later, her friends walked in on her Lyft driver allegedly raping her in her bedroom.

It wouldn't solve every issue. Nothing will. But hopefully cameras could prevent the situations that I've heard about directly from people, where drivers wouldn't let them out the car and we asking for their number, or were asking for dates/propositioning them, etc.

And who knows, if the situations you quoted there began with a driver forcing them into his place, or following the rider into her house, then a camera could also have prevented them - or have been clear evidence.

Ignoring the deterrence factor, cameras in the car could presumably document consent (or lack thereof.)

if the drivers forced these women into their home or the woman's own bedroom and the woman protested, it would be evident from the video

if the woman willingly went with the driver to his home or let him into her own, this obviously has nothing to do with Lyft

It would provide pretty useful evidence in court at the least. It’s also a potential deterrent.

There is no chance a driver would leave their camera running while doing something wrong. And if they did, they would delete the evidence after as it's not feasible for driver's to upload video live from their device to Lyft during all trips.

> There is no chance a driver would leave their camera running while doing something wrong.

Simple solution: ride in progress, camera is switched off? Send an alert. Your camera is broken? Too bad, you're not getting any rides until it's working again.

> And if they did, they would delete the evidence after as it's not feasible for driver's to upload video live from their device to Lyft during all trips.

Lots of criminal energy and knowledge required ... and they'd make themselves look guilty as hell.

Cameras obviously don't stop crime, but they would help with law enforcement and stop future crime: if a driver is in jail, they can't assault anybody else.

If it's unfeasibly to stream live to Lyft, it could at least livestream the fact that it is filming. If the footage later "disappears" and the rider claims she was raped, that's pretty damning.

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