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Sorry to sound harsh. Maybe it's time to burst out of the English/US bubble and look at what's happening around other parts of the world.

Come to think of it, maybe I should start a blog focused on covering tech in China.

Edit: To give some context, out of 10 videos that I see on facebook, about 3 of them are "directly taken" from douyin. You can spot them because they have the watermark in Chinese. Granted my social circle is more "Chinese", but lots of content are not Chinese specific, like cats or random funny videos.

I haven't run in to a blog like this, sounds like a good idea! I'd follow it :)

It's up! With first post on WeChat's subscription account:


Very cool, I've added it to my "daily" bookmarks. I'll share it around :)

Abacus launched easier this year, to fill some of that gap:


Though they're still more long-form editorial than "here's what happened this week."

I would read that blog. Provided that I get notified of it's existence somehow.

Here it is! With first post on WeChat's subscription account:



I'd love to read a blog on tech in China or other places!

Spent a hour or so, the first post is up:


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