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There's no mention of the word "testosterone" in that article?

Being locked into a specific cloud is usually nowhere near the top of threats to a startup.

True; I really mean in terms of being able to quickly move the worker machines to a new cloud to take advantage of price differences. So far we have manually moved around which is painful but saves us a bunch of money.

Request for startup: Tinder in the US that isn't utter garbage. Maybe you can find a cofounder on this platform :)

Aren’t there other dating apps that help?

Excellent, thank you! The swiping model didn't feel like an ideal solution for the task.

Yes! YC calls them "scenesters", but the reality is that often you don't know if you're cut out for the gig until you actually do it, so lots of people have to experience it first-hand to realize they don't actually want the job.

Similar situation here, thanks for sharing your journey this last time around, I'll have to reuse some of those ideas myself.

+1 on the site being lower value than it could be for repeat founders with previous successes, but who still want to build things with other people with extensive experience and a track record.

You could argue that if you're in that situation you should be relying on existing networks to propel you into your next thing, but sometimes you want a new start or things just aren't aligning time-wise with your former allies.

The majority of folks on the site have never done a startup before and are entirely unproven in a startup context, or have a couple of short stints that they unfortunately didn't learn much from because the thing never gained any traction, so they did "1 year experience 3 times over". Doesn't mean they're not potentially great startup material, it's pretty hard to get something to take off. But, it's still a pretty risky bet for someone who wants to derisk partners a tad more.

I was in a similar position to OP. I'll comment on

>You could argue that if you're in that situation you should be relying on existing networks to propel you into your next thing

That was very much the case for me. My network is the most valuable thing I posses in many ways, but it is 20 years old and it does stagnate a bit. I used YC founder match to find new connections with (younger) ambitious people who had a strong success drive. More established people tend to have far less bias to commit and act.

There was a similar case in Italy regarding its own version of the 90s satanic panic, which led to dozens of kids separated from their parents, parents committing suicide from shame and grief, an overall travesty of justice. Until Pablo Trincia made a podcast out of it and conducted an investigation the case was considered closed. The podcast entirely overturned it two decades later, reuniting many of the kids (now adults) with their legally estranged parents and sending a bunch of people to jail for intentional malpractice: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/polis/2021/08/04/investigative-podca...

Incredible work with this article. I didn't realize experiences like that were even possible in the browser without a whole company backing the effort.

> We're in the desert? Do the stereotypical Arabic singing sting!

It's interesting you say that because Hans Zimmer specifically said in an interview they tried their best to dodge the cliche' middle eastern musical tropes in this soundtrack. Perhaps they didn't go far enough for some people.

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