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it’d be great if you could find a way to screen out “lurkers” and “shoppers” … in other words, people who just like the idea of having a startup

Yes! YC calls them "scenesters", but the reality is that often you don't know if you're cut out for the gig until you actually do it, so lots of people have to experience it first-hand to realize they don't actually want the job.

I wish the same! My first couple weeks on co-founder matching were consumed with meeting a wide range of folks, most of whom in the "I'd like to start a company if the right co-founder / idea / other criteria present themselves" stage.

One thing that seems to reduce the noise is selecting "I'm working full time on my startup" and make that a requirement for co-founder. But it would be nice to also meet those who are not actively working on an idea but very committed to finding a co-founder to start something.

I actually would like to talk to people who really want to run a startup (with on of my great pre-developed ideas) in a somehow coordinated way and get a five percent stake in the company or something. Is there a good place for that (other than putting it on Hackster)?

I met people with great ideas, ones with great skillsets, ones with great management and leadership skills, and you just can have all those things vary over time in your life.

The question is, but also for the classic startup, how stable and dedicated would such a construct be. The need for fame, money or just joy of development also varies over time, so I would guess there should be a way to bring those interest together into a working construct without necessarily judging up front that this is not the real deal. Lots of CXXs are just employees in a company they did not found themselves after all. Still they receive shares of their company. So why not start with that as the base right away.

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