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1. Tell HN: Gitlab wants us to pay for support.. to fix their billing issue
15 points by Danieru on March 27, 2023 | past | 3 comments
2. The Poor ROI of Autonomy (2020) (medium.com/starsky-robotics-blog)
152 points by Danieru on July 27, 2022 | past | 154 comments
3. Payments in Japan (kalzumeus.com)
4 points by Danieru on Nov 20, 2021 | past
4. Dreamworld – The Scam MMO alpha is here (youtube.com)
1 point by Danieru on May 25, 2021 | past
5. Owner of stranded Suez Canal ship aims to free vessel on Saturday (nikkei.com)
1 point by Danieru on March 26, 2021 | past | 1 comment
6. Recruiters and Human Traffickers (tokyodev.com)
34 points by Danieru on Nov 30, 2020 | past | 29 comments
7. The Poor ROI of Autonomous Trucks (2020) (medium.com/starsky-robotics-blog)
2 points by Danieru on Aug 28, 2020 | past
8. What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by Danieru on March 3, 2020 | past | 1 comment
9. Godot Engine Was Awarded an Epic Megagrant (godotengine.org)
1 point by Danieru on Feb 4, 2020 | past
10. Slumps that shaped modern finance (2014) (economist.com)
44 points by Danieru on June 13, 2019 | past | 6 comments
11. SyncThing (syncthing.net)
4 points by Danieru on June 12, 2019 | past
12. Why I Don't Like Golang (2016) (teamten.com)
296 points by Danieru on June 12, 2019 | past | 287 comments
13. Java for Everything (2014) (teamten.com)
4 points by Danieru on June 12, 2019 | past | 2 comments
14. Sean Murray GDC-Talk (2017) – Building Worlds with Noise Generation (youtube.com)
1 point by Danieru on April 14, 2017 | past
15. Tell HN: Tokyo meetup tonight
7 points by Danieru on Jan 22, 2015 | past
16. Quake2's software renderer (fabiensanglard.net)
2 points by Danieru on May 20, 2014 | past
17. Real-world Secure Boot attacks (mjg59.dreamwidth.org)
2 points by Danieru on April 14, 2014 | past
18. Slumps that shaped modern finance (2014) (economist.com)
3 points by Danieru on April 10, 2014 | past
19. Unreal Engine 4's sales page confirms Steam's 30% fee. (unrealengine.com)
1 point by Danieru on March 25, 2014 | past
20. The simple things in life (mjg59.dreamwidth.org)
2 points by Danieru on March 10, 2014 | past
21. Tracking Parity (hhvm.com)
1 point by Danieru on March 3, 2014 | past
22. Playing With Emscripten and ASM.js (multimedia.cx)
4 points by Danieru on March 1, 2014 | past
23. Bypassing ShawOpen Wifi’s Captive Portal (danieru.com)
2 points by Danieru on Feb 26, 2014 | past
24. HHVM: The Next Six Months (hhvm.com)
2 points by Danieru on Feb 25, 2014 | past
25. The importance of a community-focused mindset (mjg59.dreamwidth.org)
2 points by Danieru on Feb 24, 2014 | past
26. Congrats to Jan and Brian: From Zero to $19 Billion in Five Years (regex.info)
1 point by Danieru on Feb 20, 2014 | past
27. Trip to Verkhoyansk (zoxexivo.com)
1 point by Danieru on Feb 4, 2014 | past
28. HHVM 2.4.0 (hhvm.com)
1 point by Danieru on Feb 2, 2014 | past
29. How To Gather Information About Partition Layouts (github.com/ameer1234567890)
1 point by Danieru on Jan 21, 2014 | past
30. CentOS Project Leader Karanbir Singh Opens Up on Red Hat Deal (linux.com)
2 points by Danieru on Jan 17, 2014 | past

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