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Why language models need not get worse (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by pabs3 on Feb 21, 2023 | past
What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by mrccc on Feb 13, 2023 | past
What colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
69 points by VoidSetAndMatch on Feb 11, 2023 | past | 24 comments
What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by woliveirajr on Aug 18, 2022 | past
What Colour Are Your Bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
2 points by PebblesRox on Aug 9, 2022 | past | 3 comments
What Colour are your bits? (sooke.bc.ca)
3 points by macano on March 18, 2022 | past
Take It to Zdrabko (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by 6581 on Feb 27, 2021 | past
The Bridge Across Avon Gorge (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by dsr_ on Nov 13, 2020 | past | 1 comment
What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
70 points by dredmorbius on Oct 28, 2020 | past | 35 comments
What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by Danieru on March 3, 2020 | past | 1 comment
Take It to Zdrabko (sooke.bc.ca)
2 points by 6581 on Feb 28, 2020 | past
Public Health Backgrounder #713 [slightly NSFW text] (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by exolymph on Oct 30, 2019 | past
The Genie Speaks (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by zdw on Oct 6, 2019 | past
What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
3 points by roywiggins on July 17, 2019 | past
What Colour are your bits? (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by occamschainsaw on Feb 9, 2019 | past
The imagination gap, part 1 (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by archgoon on Feb 9, 2019 | past
What Colour are your bits? (sooke.bc.ca)
2 points by pmoriarty on Nov 25, 2018 | past | 1 comment
The fundamental attribution error (2013) (sooke.bc.ca)
46 points by exolymph on July 14, 2018 | past | 3 comments
Distributed version control is not my favourite technology (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by tempodox on July 12, 2018 | past
Mastodon WTF timeline (2017) (sooke.bc.ca)
124 points by zdw on July 3, 2018 | past | 144 comments
Quantity Premium in Internet Advertising (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by dsr_ on June 15, 2018 | past
Mistakenly thought to be djinn (1997) (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by walterbell on April 29, 2018 | past
Mastodon WTF timeline (sooke.bc.ca)
2 points by jeremysmyth on April 24, 2017 | past
What colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
75 points by Ivoah on April 2, 2017 | past | 9 comments
What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by teach on March 8, 2017 | past
Some Thoughts on the Cost Disease (sooke.bc.ca)
81 points by dsr_ on Feb 21, 2017 | past | 73 comments
What colour are your bits? (sooke.bc.ca)
3 points by traverseda on April 2, 2016 | past | 1 comment
Mountain-climbing addresses for code lines (sooke.bc.ca)
16 points by nkurz on Dec 10, 2015 | past | 2 comments
[dupe] What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
1 point by wz1000 on June 7, 2015 | past | 1 comment
What Colour are your bits? (2004) (sooke.bc.ca)
51 points by sysk on Dec 10, 2014 | past | 34 comments

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