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Coding Machines (teamten.com)
1 point by bkudria 28 days ago | past
Homeschooling (2021) (teamten.com)
67 points by ivanech 30 days ago | past | 83 comments
Helping the Average Programmer (teamten.com)
2 points by andsoitis 78 days ago | past
Acceleration (teamten.com)
1 point by andsoitis 79 days ago | past
Why Software Is Late (teamten.com)
3 points by andsoitis 79 days ago | past | 1 comment
[flagged] Base 10 is not a good base (teamten.com)
59 points by andsoitis 79 days ago | past | 160 comments
Coding Machines – A short story about the Ken Thompson Hack (teamten.com)
3 points by smig0 3 months ago | past
Write Code Top-Down (teamten.com)
14 points by ingve 4 months ago | past | 4 comments
Write Code Top-Down (teamten.com)
1 point by _____k 4 months ago | past
Coding Machines (2009) (teamten.com)
1 point by pabs3 5 months ago | past
Coding Machines (2009) (teamten.com)
2 points by B1FF_PSUVM 7 months ago | past | 1 comment
Static Typing vs. the Entire World of Contemporary Web Development (2011) (teamten.com)
2 points by dxs 7 months ago | past
Package Managers Hurt Open Source (teamten.com)
3 points by lionkor 8 months ago | past | 5 comments
Coding Machines: a short SF story (2009) (teamten.com)
1 point by NKosmatos 9 months ago | past
Java for Everything (2014) (teamten.com)
2 points by _ttg 9 months ago | past
Write code top-down (teamten.com)
1 point by refactorworks 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
Write Code Top-Down (teamten.com)
1 point by Tomte 11 months ago | past | 1 comment
Java for Everything (2014) (teamten.com)
2 points by Tomte 11 months ago | past
Coding Machines (2009) (teamten.com)
1 point by subset on June 22, 2023 | past
Coding Machines (teamten.com)
3 points by Jalad on June 19, 2023 | past | 1 comment
Use singular nouns for database table names (teamten.com)
89 points by pkkm on April 30, 2023 | past | 104 comments
Coding Machines (2009) (teamten.com)
1 point by AlexAndScripts on Feb 11, 2023 | past
Coding Machines (2009) (teamten.com)
1 point by geocrasher on Sept 29, 2022 | past
Why I Don't Like Golang (2016) (teamten.com)
140 points by bravogamma on June 14, 2022 | past | 222 comments
Don't write bugs (teamten.com)
131 points by luu on Oct 6, 2021 | past | 108 comments
Java for Everything (2014) (teamten.com)
172 points by ingve on April 25, 2021 | past | 246 comments
Coding Machines (2009) (teamten.com)
28 points by djoldman on April 11, 2021 | past | 6 comments
Neural Nets (1994) (teamten.com)
84 points by enz on Nov 12, 2020 | past | 51 comments
Write Code Top-Down (teamten.com)
1 point by Jaruzel on Nov 12, 2020 | past
Write Code Top-Down (teamten.com)
2 points by LaSombra on Nov 11, 2020 | past

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