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I think the difficulty would be finding enough safe deposit boxes. If I had $100M (let me dream, will you!) where could I store that physically? That much cash takes up a lot of space.

The Oatmeal had a post where he talked about how heavy his $200,000 withdrawal was (that was in 20's).

A little Google searching found: http://www.cockeyed.com/inside/million/million_dollars.html

I think Adam Curry talked about buying actual gold bullion and storing that. Still takes a lot of space and a lot of cost in storage. $100M in gold is over 80,000 oz. Two tons of gold?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_bar#Standard_bar_weights http://demonocracy.info/infographics/world/gold/gold.html

Me, personally, if I had $100M, I'd buy an island somewhere close to an internet backbone. Real estate is always a good investment!

Yes, you're talking about 4.7 cubic feet of gold there. Buy the island and then you'll have a place to store 1 cubic foot of gold, to pay your routine expenses.

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