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Some have already closed that exit, banning the storage of cash in their boxes. They want to keep your funds available for negative interest rates and possible bail-ins.

I think the difficulty would be finding enough safe deposit boxes. If I had $100M (let me dream, will you!) where could I store that physically? That much cash takes up a lot of space.

The Oatmeal had a post where he talked about how heavy his $200,000 withdrawal was (that was in 20's).

A little Google searching found: http://www.cockeyed.com/inside/million/million_dollars.html

I think Adam Curry talked about buying actual gold bullion and storing that. Still takes a lot of space and a lot of cost in storage. $100M in gold is over 80,000 oz. Two tons of gold?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_bar#Standard_bar_weights http://demonocracy.info/infographics/world/gold/gold.html

Me, personally, if I had $100M, I'd buy an island somewhere close to an internet backbone. Real estate is always a good investment!

Yes, you're talking about 4.7 cubic feet of gold there. Buy the island and then you'll have a place to store 1 cubic foot of gold, to pay your routine expenses.

Could you just put the cash in a cardboard box and then say it's important papers or stock certificates? Do they have the right to open it?

Of course they do. If they lie and say it smells like marijuana.

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