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> She said they had been downloading a game since 09:00 GMT - and by 23:40 it was still not ready.

> "He has spent most of the day in tears," she said.

> "He says it's been his worst Christmas ever.

> "I think Xbox should compensate us all."

... Grow up and teach you kid not to act like a baby, this is how you raise a spoiled brat. I got an XBone for Christmas and it still hasn't finished downloading the game that came in the bundle. Am I mad? Yeah, and a little annoyed but tomorrow or the next day everything will be back to normal so I got over it and just hung out with my family (God forbid you do that instead of play video games all day).

Also can we stop calling DDOS's "hacks", there is no "hacking" going on, no unauthorized internal network access, no leaking of private data. Sony WAS hacked by GOP, but Sony and MS are being DDOS'd not hacked. Let's call this what it is and not put it on the same level as what GOP did to Sony (or what hackers did to Sony that took down PSN a few years back). This is temporary and will cause no long-term damage. This will be practically forgotten within a week (Just like the WoW DDOS's that happened around the WoD launch).

I think we can all agree that games that don't need online should be playable but that's a seperate issue. We can gather our pitchforks on that issue if we want but the DDOS isn't PSN/XBLive's fault...

> so I got over it and just hung out with my family (God forbid you do that instead of play video games all day).

That's the running joke with a buddy of mine when $GAME_WE_WANT_TO_PLAY isn't working: "awww, shit, Halo matchmaking is broken. What are we going to do now, spend time with our families?" But it's only a joke. If someone is in tears over it, it's a great teachable moment for parents. "Worst Christmas ever"? "Okay, kids, today we're going to learn about 'perspective'. Grab your shit, because we're heading down to the homeless shelter to drop off clothes and spoon up some soup."

You're really going to trash a kid for being sad on Christmas when his toy didn't work? Cold.

No, I'm going to trash his parents for raising a spoiled brat. Let me reiterate, this is temporary, this will pass, it will be back to normal before this kids Christmas Break is over.

Does it suck? Yes, but the parents should not tolerate this behavior. They just spent a considerable amount of money on this kid's Christmas and he cries because he has to wait 1-2 days??? Sounds like he isn't old enough to own an Xbox One to me....

Consumers shouldn't have to tolerate paying that kind of money for something that is largely crippled during service outages on the biggest holiday in the world due to something as easily achievable as a DDoS attack. It's a big problem that could translate to almost any "connected" service.

In an ideal world they shouldn't but this world is far from ideal. There is no silver bullet to DDOS attacks, if there were you can bet companies would be using it.

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