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If it helps, my first impression of that post was you highlighting individual actions to smear the governing body.


>Christianity causes people to murder and steal, because the perpetrator of a murder/theft was Christian.

Any large group will have a number of bad actors, that is not indicative of anything except the large group being large. Even "interfering with the normal course of competitor's business" was an action of one firm, though it's pretty clear Uber allowed such actions to continue.

and finally "price surges" and "price gouging during states of emergencies." are ethically on the fence. People with a capitalistic bent would not find these immoral. Whether you feel our monetary distribution system is fair is another matter... I would argue that if wealth was fairly distributed (operating on my definition of fair here) then that would be a perfectly moral thing.

All this is to say: You were REALLY trying hard to smear Uber. Just like this article is. Which is really weird, because Uber's done enough things to smear themselves. They don't need help.

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