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People complain about Uber's unethical (and sometimes illegal) business practices, but I think it's useful to entertain a different perspective: Considering all of the laws restricting hired transport, do you really expect a nice company to enter the market? Many saw the opportunity but thought, "That business would probably be illegal. We should do something else." Meanwhile, UberCab (remember when it was called that?) disregarded the laws and went for the opportunity.

Obviously, this doesn't excuse their behavior. But it does explain it. In heavily-regulated markets, nice companies are selected against.

Alternative theory: Uber is run by an asshole, and that percolates down through the company to create the toxic culture we see today.

We can differentiate by looking at another highly regulated market: short term housing. AirBnB certainly isn't angelic, but I think it is fair to say it doesn't come close to Uber in pure reprehensibility.

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