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I'm curious, what payment method do you use? I was looking at buying something on Aliexpress but the lack of Paypal or Google Payments turned me off.

I use my debitcard. I trust them. Based on their wiki[1], they look like a huge company(e.g. Amazon) that doesn't necessarily have incentive to be randomly ripping people off via CC fraud.

That said, word of caution though

- Unless you want to pay insane shipping, your order won't arrive in the USA for like 4 to 6 weeks.

- Clothing sizes are tricky. I usually go one size bigger than my US/UK size. For my wife who wears S or XS, I have to get her medium - sometimes even that's too small.

- Clothing quality varies especially for lady's clothing. Nearly always it looks fantastic, but if you dare put it in the washing machine it will disintegrate. Wash by hand or dryclean.

- Order electronics at your own peril. That's just rolling dice. I've seen Android phones & tablets from them. When I have a few extra hundred lying around, I'm gonna try getting a laptop - and I fully expect to get junk. But I've also seen orders fulfilled surprisingly well.

- Customer Support doesn't usually have english as first language.

- So far, out of like 20+ orders. They've gotten maybe 2 completely wrong... or I misread the product-details(some of those pages can be tricky)

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alibaba_Group

Alibaba owns their own PayPal competitor (Alipay). I don't think you need to worry.

Debit cards work just fine.

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