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I know I'm in a small minority here (at least, judging by the years of clamor for larger iPhones), but I almost always use my iPhone one-handed, so I'm very skeptical about any larger display. Currently, when holding it in a relaxed position, my thumb can reach a bit to the left of or above the current display, but not both - there would probably be a difficult to reach zone in the top left corner. A larger size would also make my grip less stable.

To be fair, I don't have that much actual experience with larger phones, but I did switch to a Galaxy S4 for a few weeks last year, and while it wasn't completely unusable one handed or anything, the unwieldiness of doing so was one of the things that made me happy to get my iPhone back. But it looks like I'll soon be left behind if I want to continue using iOS...

I totally agree. The thing that makes iOS even worse for larger screen sizes than the bad experience on Android is that iOS icons auto-align themselves about in the worse possible place, the top left of the screen.

I've argued with a somewhat prominent advocate of certain touch behaviors, but it simply makes far more sense that interactive elements be ordered by priority from the bottom of the screen where they are most accessible by one handed users.

Yeah, one-handed use is one of the best things about the iPhone. I switched to Android (Moto X) several months ago from an iPhone 5s. I've been using it one-handed, but it is really painful. By the afternoon I start getting cramps in my thumb. Reaching for the home/keyboard/app menu/etc buttons is just really awkward. And the Moto X is one of the smallest screen Android phones you can get.

Part of it is that Android just isn't designed for one-handed use, but the limited width is a big part of it too.

I'm with you. I would still gladly take an iPhone 5s with the 3:2 form factor screen from the iPhone 4s.


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