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Also by Matasano, and tons of fun: https://microcorruption.com

In-browser reverse engineering game.

Thank you! That was Hans, me, Daniel, Andy, and (especially) Nicholas the intern. The followup we're planning to it is going to be pretty intense.

Oh dear.

I already wrote an emulator for the MSP430 from scratch just to try out an approach for the current challenge's final level.

And now you tell me the next one is going to be pretty intense.

I've spent the past three hours working on some of these challenges and I probably will spend a lot more time working on them too. They're a fun and friendly reminder that I should brush up on my RE skills every now and then.

Can I backup my solutions on github now?

I find using a browser to do this type of tasks intensely frustrating.

You don't need to use a browser; there's a simple JSON RPC interface.

That doesn't really do much for those of us with backgrounds that do not include Javascript / web development.

Such as embedded processors, just to use an example that might be exactly the type of people who would find this challenge extra interesting.

Full disclosure: I did several of these, but the browser issue is probably what kept me from doing more. It did not run in my (admittedly outdated) browser of choice, so I had to do some Chrome wrangling, which was the opposite of fun.

JSON RPC calls would be trivial to use from any scripting environment - python, perl, or ruby; even shell scripts would be an option with curl and such.

Okay, if someone is hardware oriented and has never stepped outside the assembly and C world, then doing it from C isn't particularly convenient - but even with such background I would assume that most embedded processor people would know one of those scripting languages just to automate stuff in their development/testing workflow.

What Javascript are you talking about? Anything the browser interface can do, you can do directly with raw HTTP calls. The Rails front-end is actually just a thin proxy around a JSON RPC interface exposed by the Golang emulator itself.

If your point is "that's not helpful for people who don't know how to use HTTP and JSON", I'm at a loss, because the problems Microcorruption wants you to solve are much, much harder than HTTP.

Harder, but simpler (less complex). Wargames like SmashTheStack give you a Linux shell - it's much more fun this way. Just so you know, I ragequit microcorruption after three levels. Like the poster above, I know nothing about web development and have no intention of learning. The crypto challenge was really great though, thank you for that!

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