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That doesn't really do much for those of us with backgrounds that do not include Javascript / web development.

Such as embedded processors, just to use an example that might be exactly the type of people who would find this challenge extra interesting.

Full disclosure: I did several of these, but the browser issue is probably what kept me from doing more. It did not run in my (admittedly outdated) browser of choice, so I had to do some Chrome wrangling, which was the opposite of fun.

JSON RPC calls would be trivial to use from any scripting environment - python, perl, or ruby; even shell scripts would be an option with curl and such.

Okay, if someone is hardware oriented and has never stepped outside the assembly and C world, then doing it from C isn't particularly convenient - but even with such background I would assume that most embedded processor people would know one of those scripting languages just to automate stuff in their development/testing workflow.

What Javascript are you talking about? Anything the browser interface can do, you can do directly with raw HTTP calls. The Rails front-end is actually just a thin proxy around a JSON RPC interface exposed by the Golang emulator itself.

If your point is "that's not helpful for people who don't know how to use HTTP and JSON", I'm at a loss, because the problems Microcorruption wants you to solve are much, much harder than HTTP.

Harder, but simpler (less complex). Wargames like SmashTheStack give you a Linux shell - it's much more fun this way. Just so you know, I ragequit microcorruption after three levels. Like the poster above, I know nothing about web development and have no intention of learning. The crypto challenge was really great though, thank you for that!

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