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> Because languages like Scala and Clojure are rapidly taking over from Java in the enterprise space

Let's see how much of the momentum these languages keep after Java 8. Default methods, the new stream API and lamdas provide much what most developers need without introducing baroque features and orthogonal infrastructure.

Doesn't change the point. It's called JAVA but with lazy streams and closures, everything Java culture built prior that will be moot and that's what the article is pointing at. Same thing happened in PHP land, people say PHP is great now, but what is PHP ? PHP5, which is a perlish javaesque thing ? or the regex craze html implicit template system that was PHP4 ? ...

OOP is too verbose by it's essence compared to closures. I tend to see curried functions as anonymous objects (old lisp koans joke on their duality).

> Same thing happened in PHP land, people say PHP is great now, but what is PHP ? PHP5, which is a perlish javaesque thing ? or the regex craze html implicit template system that was PHP4 ? ...

Get the facts straight please.

As much as I don't like everything about PHP, PHP means PHP5 and it has been like that for a few years.

I'm talking about languages evolution. PHP5 got a Javaesque Object System, closures, generators. The idioms that will emerge will be close to other language with similar features, and what made php php is becoming less and less so.

PHP is actually the perfect example to disprove my point (pig with new lipstick). I'll reflect on that.

PHP is a funny thing, started very very low (https://twitter.com/agumonkey/status/488432654577303554), and nowadays it's got a lot of very positive improvements (linguistic features, faster interpreter, principled community). Who knows how long it will survive ...

> OOP is too verbose by it's essence compared to closures.

Could you comment on Smalltalk's blocks?

I never used ST, I thought a block == closures, but according to http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?SmalltalkBlocksAndClosures there were differences until they wanted to make blocks real closures.

edit : I should have said closures + curryfication so you can partially augment the creation of a final callable entity that binds many parameters (similar to an object constructor arguments)

> OOP is too verbose by it's essence compared to closures.

Then CLOS is too verbose?

CLOS is a layer on top of CL, it's optional. Also, LISPs are as verbose as you want them too. If you identify boilerplate you macro it away. It's part of the culture. Some systems (php/symfony2, eclipse/emf) go out of their way to generate unnecessary temporary files, templates and such but it's still cumbersome.

To be honest, CL shows its age (mapc, mapl, do, dotimes, loop ...), more functional approaches like sml are very tempting, for the small size of their core in which you define all other patterns. I'd love to see a blend of lisp and ml (racket maybe?).

I find it very strange that you've thrown LOOP in there. It may not be as sexy as canned functional algorithms or simple recursion, but for complex algorithms, it's an absolute joy to use.

I couldn't count the number of times I've been writing C or C++ and wished I could express an idea more complex than "Initialize some variables (which may or may not be of the same type (but not of arbitrary different types)); run while this is true; do this thing after every iteration" without just slapping everything into and in the immediate vicinity of a while-true block. I don't have that problem with LOOP.

Talk about workarounds.

Lisp macros ? (first-class and generic, not bad for a workaround)

No, faced with the fact that CLOS is also verbose, although in a language that is all about closures, you started to present workarounds how to simplify its verbosity.

CLOS is verbose if all you're doing is encapsulating some state. If, on the other hand, you plan on doing anything remotely interesting, it's very succinct and expressive. Trying to emulate the functionality of CLOS' multiple dispatch and mixins in Java or C++ is hell beyond hell.

As for verbosity, I'll take ":accessor foo" over methods "getFoo" and "setFoo" with inane, useless autogenerated comments any day of the week.

I don't find CLOS verbose. Private slots by default, accessors as option ... I find LISPs quite succint in general, sure lots of parens, but usually the bare minimum of information is required. This contrasts with the large amount of useless code you can see in Java class definition that amount to nothing (setting fields, toString, manual get/set).

If you think those features change anything then you must have a poor understanding of FP or why people are moving to Scala/Clojure. It is a fundamentally different way of developing code that is starting to look really appealing to the enterprise.

The iterative development with a REPL approach deployed with micro services lends itself well to Agile development where big bang architecture simply doesn't work.

I did the two FP courses from Mr. Odersky using Scala as the main language and then continued playing with the language for small experiments.

While the language is awesome in general, I would not recommend it at work.

The secret of Scala is that it can be used in a wide variety of ways by a wide variety of teams. Yes, you can end up hiring people that would rather work in Haskell, or those that hate the type system and would rather code in Clojure. I've seen people that attempted to make Scala look like Java, or even Javascript. My current team, working in Scala, has had plenty of people like that. But the fact that you can get too academic with Scala does not mean you have to.

Some parts of our codebase really work better with said academic style, so we keep them. In others, the type system was used in ways that did not make any sense, and were rewritten.

Scala's strength is precisely that it can look like anything you want. If you are not interested in said freedom, then sure, avoid Scala at work. But for us, using the style that works better in each part of the system without actually having to change languages is extremely powerful.

I will steal that argument for D.

I think D has a completely different of issues starting by a) small community b) reference compiler is not fully free software c) free compiler (ldc) is not finished d) very few people work on both compilers, etc.

IMHO, D is a better teaching language than Python and a better systems language than Java. I wish Android was written in D. I can't enjoy using a language with significant whitespace or extremely forced OOP.

The core language is good enough already, and better than most. They way it defines functional purity is the way it will be taught in universities in the future. It also embraces concurrency, and this will only become more important as computers get more processors.

What it lacks is libraries, therefore you are right about point a. The lack of a library like Ogre3D is an issue. The lack of an equivalent to jdbc for D is an issue. That's the reason for me to mention D here, the more exposure it gets, the better.

But about points b and c, no way. You deliberatedly ignore the third compiler GDC, which integrates the open source D front end with GCC and produces faster binaries than DMD.

GCD is still maintained basically by a single person, who replaced another person that basically stopped contributing and resulted the project stagnant for some years.

Any particular reason you wouldn't recommend it at work?

As the author of this post mentioned the culture of the Java developers, the "architect" thing and the frameworks, Scala has its own similar problems: it attracts a group of academics on type systems and creates over-engineering in a completely different direction.

Also, while I think Scala is simple at its core concepts and syntax, it gets complex because it has too many features and tries to support all features present in other programming languages. Why do you want structural typing there?.

Also, I hated sbt.

> it gets complex because it has too many features and tries to support all features present in other programming languages

Which things do you have in mind?

> Why do you want structural typing there?

Isn't that a simplification? Instead of saying "here are types which you can use as e. g. parameter types, and here are types which you can't use (like in Java)", it says "all types work the same way".

I understand what it is.

I don't see the need of it if you already have a class-based system.

Go uses structural typing. But it is the only thing they have. Rust has traits, and it is the only thing they have.

I can't think now of more stuff but I remember you could even write xml in the language.

> I don't see the need of it if you already have a class-based system.

Like in Java?

    	new Object() { void foo() {}}.foo(); // Works

The point about XML is so stale already that I won't even bother commenting on it.

You seem to be stuck in the topic of how useful structural typing is. Which I agree with.

Eh what? No. I couldn't care less about structural types.

I care about simple, consistent rules. "X is a type, you can use it wherever you want" is one.

"X is a type, but there is also Y, which you can't really express in position A and B unlike X, but can only use it if you carefully avoid doing things #1 to #4" isn't one.

I agree with partly with you.

I don't think it helps for consistency when you have to ask yourself why some functionality is defined in terms of a trait if it could be defined in terms of the structural type and just providing the methods would be sufficient.

Oh, I also disliked implicit conversions a lot. I considered them a wart at some point. Made everything hard to read and reason about.

Almost every other way of "extending" a type would have worked better in practice eg. Xtend’s Extension Methods.

Extension methods have mostly the same drawbacks as implicits, but none of the advantages.

It's not like Scala developers didn't know extension methods before designing implicits.

Instead, they tried to come up with a more useful, principled way, which also covers a lot of the stuff which is hardcoded and implemented ad-hoc in other languages (like implicit conversions in Java).

In the end, I think they made the right call:

- Implicit parameters are the basis for abstractions which unify the "strategy pattern" of OO languages with FP's typeclasses,

- implicit classes provide extension methods, but are better in pretty much every regard (higher reusability, less error prone) and

- implicit conversions cover the ad-hoc conversions everyone takes for granted, without having to hard-code these hacks into the language (e. g. don't like Java's/C#'s/... implicit convert-everything-to-String conversion? Don't import it in Scala).

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