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I will steal that argument for D.

I think D has a completely different of issues starting by a) small community b) reference compiler is not fully free software c) free compiler (ldc) is not finished d) very few people work on both compilers, etc.

IMHO, D is a better teaching language than Python and a better systems language than Java. I wish Android was written in D. I can't enjoy using a language with significant whitespace or extremely forced OOP.

The core language is good enough already, and better than most. They way it defines functional purity is the way it will be taught in universities in the future. It also embraces concurrency, and this will only become more important as computers get more processors.

What it lacks is libraries, therefore you are right about point a. The lack of a library like Ogre3D is an issue. The lack of an equivalent to jdbc for D is an issue. That's the reason for me to mention D here, the more exposure it gets, the better.

But about points b and c, no way. You deliberatedly ignore the third compiler GDC, which integrates the open source D front end with GCC and produces faster binaries than DMD.

GCD is still maintained basically by a single person, who replaced another person that basically stopped contributing and resulted the project stagnant for some years.

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