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This is why I don't believe in the idea that "more money is needed for education". The system is obviously extremely bloated, and needs to be revamped before we even begin to think about giving them more money. It's our tax money after all. We shouldn't just throw money at anyone who screams "we need more money to do better".

We need to first look at what can be changed so more money isn't needed. when all of that has been evaluated and the changes made, then we can start thinking about whether we need increased education budgets or not to increase performance.

With the utmost sincerity I wish you the best of luck with that. We've recently had two in-depth studies here in Australia on resourcing for schools, and neither have made it past the politicians without getting butchered.

In Western Australia we've had an outright rejection of federal funding for one study (Gonski) and lip service paid to the second (Teese) resulting in slashes to funding for language studies, music, the arts and assistance for students with special needs (probably more, that's what I know of directly).

If there's some strategy to do more with less here, the government is playing it so close to their chest they're not letting those of us in schools know about it.

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