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> I get huge value out of being right beside the people that can answer the questions I have

As someone who -- in my workplace -- is more often than not on the receiving end of questions or calls for help, I find it extremely distracting. There have been entire days where I wasn't able to focus on my own work because everyone else had questions to answer, or bugs that they needed help working through. I can't fault them for asking for help, but I definitely get frustrated at the situation, because sometimes at the end of the day I end up feeling like I haven't accomplished anything.

Oh, so do I (and I'm more often on the receiving end, too). No question, there's a cost to being interrupted. Personally, I have to actively push back against my own displeasure at being interrupted.

At the end of the day, though, the value those interruptions bring to the project make them worthwhile. Problems are avoided before they become problems. Knowledge is transferred without forcing someone to learn it from the ground up themselves. Time is saved (maybe not my time, but project-time).

(Obviously, if you're consistently being interrupted with low-value, easy-to-answer questions, that's a bit different... there comes a point where you say "ok, spend a bit more time, and if you can't get it then I'll work more with you")

Then the question is whether team productivity has gone up, even though your own personal productivity may have gone down? You probably accomplished a lot being helpful, though I know that doesn't help how you feel. And if your performance is tied to personal productivity, then that is a real bummer.

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