Indeed appears this self proclaimed CV/recruitment specilist has deleted the offending post highlighting how bad she is with regards to staff relations.
Short version , she fired somebody so she could save money and then had a problem and was unable to get the extra mile suport out of hours and outside the contract hours from that employee she had fired. Then took to social media to wonder how could this happen and trying to blame everything upto and including the old employee for her clear and blatant greedy oversight.
A while later (hopefully a few years), you tell me it is time to talk. You are not happy anymore and feel it is time to change things. Of course I'll try to convince you. See if we can change something in your job description to make you happier, see if I can get you motivated in different ways. But if we can’t work things out together, if it is simply time to end the relationship, let’s talk about it like adults. Don't come into the office one day telling me out of the blue that you haven't been happy for a while, found someone else and will leave me as soon as possible. And now that you brought it up, why should I pay your full wage if you are only working at half force since you aren't motivated anymore?*
This is really a special kind of deluded. I'm not even sure what else I can say. She's just pretty spectacularly unqualified to deal with people. She seems to think she's buying friends and that because she pays (has paid) them, she owns them.
If you can, can you save it with all comments from LinkedIn please? The Google webcache misses some comments, and they were the worthwhile bit of the post
Sure, I screenshotted the entire page, but removed the sidebar and topbars.. and it was 13MB, is there anywhere to upload it that takes files that large? wouldn't work.
What did you use to take the screenshot, which handled that size? All my screenshot tools fail around the 5MB limit, which is a PITA when trying to screenshot long pages :(
If you're on a Mac, you might try Paparazzi[1] (no affiliation).
I don't specifically know if it has any trouble with a 5Mb limit as I don't generally pay any attention to file sizes, but it's never given me any troubles with pretty long pages, so I'm assuming it would work well in this scenario.
Short version , she fired somebody so she could save money and then had a problem and was unable to get the extra mile suport out of hours and outside the contract hours from that employee she had fired. Then took to social media to wonder how could this happen and trying to blame everything upto and including the old employee for her clear and blatant greedy oversight.