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Please get your facts straight.

* The Iraq war ended in 2011, and the Afghanistan war is winding down.

* The Obama administration has attempted to close Guantanamo, only to be blocked by Congress.

* We are no longer in the financial crisis left by the previous administration.

* Obama ordered an end to torture on his first day in office.

* Global attitudes about the United States have improved dramatically since 2008, according to Pew Research (http://www.pewglobal.org/database/indicator/1/survey/15/).

So, you're either woefully misinformed, or willfully ignorant.

You should get some of yours straight.

* Obama followed the Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) that Bush had signed. He did not accelerate withdrawal of troops at all - if Bush was still president it would have been the same timeline. He also promised to get us out Afghanistan immediately, but he lied: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn134-KLL7Y

* Obama could release all prisoners of Guantanamo right now (that's what you generally do when you don't have evidence to convict someone). He was only blocked in attempting to transfer them elsewhere.

Here are some more facts to chew on.

* He has maintained a personal "kill list," one murdered target of which was an American citizen. [1] Other American citizens, including a 16-year old boy[2], have been killed abroad by drone strikes under his watch.

* He signed Patriot Act and FISA Amendment Acts extensions

* He campaigned on ending warrantless surveillance, instead he greatly expanded it

* He signed the NDAA bill w/ indefinite detention provisions after saying that he had "reservations"[3] about it. Proved a liar when he instructed DoJ to fight lawsuit challenging the provisions.

* He has appointed lobbyists to numerous positions of power in the federal gov't (one of them being from Monsanto to the FDA[4]), after campaigning strongly against the practice.

edit: Forgot to mention his wars on whistleblowers.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwar_al-Awlaki

[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwar_al-Awlaki#Abdulrahman_al...

[3]: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/31/obama-defense-bill_...

[4]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_R._Taylor

The fact that the Obama administration withdrew American troops from Iraq on schedule does not refute the fact that it did withdraw them.

He was not just blocked in attempting to transfer prisoners, he was blocked from having them tried in American courts.

The rest of your points don't seem to be related to the ones I was refuting. No administration is flawless. I was only pointing out that the parent comment to mine (specifically) was completely incorrect. Any other black marks against the current administration are beside that point.

But they aren't withdrawn yet - we still have troops in Afghanistan. He promised to bring them home immediately, not to take 5 years to get to to a point of "winding down." Also it should be noted that Obama more than doubled troop levels in Afghanistan. Well done on not extending the Iraq SOFA though.

The Guantanamo prisoners simply don't need to be tried by American courts in order to be released. http://images.politico.com/global/2013/05/03/lettertoobama_g...

Fair enough on the other points.

Oh ok. So replacing war with unmanned drones and a kill list that includes Americans, continuing horribly intrusive surveillance programs, and cracking down on more whistle blowers than any administration in history is SO much better. Everyone's shit stinks

Golly gee, I wonder why I didn't vote for him again in 2012? When will people realize the two party system is a farce? Both parties are largely the same and neither will ever bring real change.

Read the parent comments. I was replying to five specific points that were made. I never said that anyone's shit doesn't stink.

* President Barack Obama selects Joe Biden as his vice president, the same person who voted for the Iraq War

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