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The fact that the Obama administration withdrew American troops from Iraq on schedule does not refute the fact that it did withdraw them.

He was not just blocked in attempting to transfer prisoners, he was blocked from having them tried in American courts.

The rest of your points don't seem to be related to the ones I was refuting. No administration is flawless. I was only pointing out that the parent comment to mine (specifically) was completely incorrect. Any other black marks against the current administration are beside that point.

But they aren't withdrawn yet - we still have troops in Afghanistan. He promised to bring them home immediately, not to take 5 years to get to to a point of "winding down." Also it should be noted that Obama more than doubled troop levels in Afghanistan. Well done on not extending the Iraq SOFA though.

The Guantanamo prisoners simply don't need to be tried by American courts in order to be released. http://images.politico.com/global/2013/05/03/lettertoobama_g...

Fair enough on the other points.

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