I was thinking lately of porting the original DoomEd from id to Mac OS X. I reasoned that it shouldn't be too difficult since it was written on NeXTSTEP (minus all the api deprecation that happened over the years I guess). Sadly, id never released the source for that. Out of curiosity, do you remember whether the DoomEd source was ever part of any Doom Source package?
I used to do a lot of Doom Level editing on DOS back in '95, but most serious Map Editors seem to be for Windows. It would also be a great learning exercise, I guess, to try to port it so that it all the new technologies that we have nowadays...
Yeah, it is the original level editor for doom. It ran on NeXT. Many people built separate implementations, based on the reverse engineered wad format. Doombuilder, Slade, etc are examples. There's even one named 'DoomEd', it is, however, not related to the original, never-released one from id.
I used to do a lot of Doom Level editing on DOS back in '95, but most serious Map Editors seem to be for Windows. It would also be a great learning exercise, I guess, to try to port it so that it all the new technologies that we have nowadays...