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To all hackers: If you speak perfect english, please proceed to submit exploits to the FB security team and collect $5k on your way out. If not, post to blackhat forums and receive $10k. Or use the exploit to manipulate FB stock price (I'm sure posting as Mark would move the stock price significantly, if only for a few minutes. But that's enough to earn a lot more than $5k).

He posted on Mark's wall, not as him.

Also, relative to other places you could be spending your time, FB security issues yield relatively little in the blackhat market because of their highly responsive abuse and security teams.

He posted on Mark's wall, not as him.

Sure this bug was like that. But what if someone discovers a bug that allows you to post as the person?

What if I was able to send a fake press release on behalf of a company?[1]

What if I hacked the Twitter account of a major press organization?[2]

Eventually the SEC will require traders to seek independent verification before executing based on social data, or put stops in place similar to the flash crash protections.

1. http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2009/2009-226.htm 2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jakezamansky/2013/05/01/the-twit...

Hell -- you don't even have to "hack" in to anything to do damage with a Press Release. Just Publish it anyway - most of the press is too lazy to double-check


It depends on the bug, automate account creation and spam some links could add a few million bots to a bot net.

Only problem with using an exploit to manipulate stock price is that the SEC would be at your doorstep in no time and put you behind bars for a significant amount of time.

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