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Quip is Bret Taylor's new company.

Bret founded Google Maps and FriendFeed. Then he was CTO of Facebook for 3 years.

So this should be interesting.

Wasn't Google Maps an acquisition?

Yes, from an Australian company run by Lars Rasmussen called Where 2 Technologies.

According to https://quip.com/about/ he seems like an underachiever on the Quip team.

>>Ryan's resume intimidates small children and household pets. After co-founding Google App Engine with Kevin, Jon, and Bret, Ryan boarded his hot air balloon and ascended to low earth orbit. He then won a Nobel peace prize, seven Olympic medals (all bronze), three Oscars, and the jackpot at Caesar's Palace. Since landing, he's cured cancer, penned the sequel to Ulysses, and achieved nirvana. That was on Tuesday.

They've evidently already raised $15 million as well. This should be really interesting.

Should add self-inflicted boners to the list...


All of it except the app engine part. Come on this is so obvious, and i am not even a native speaker.


"cured cancer" should be a dead giveaway that the list isn't real.

and isn't funny.

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