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Shit for Making Websites (shitformakingwebsites.com)
384 points by X4 on July 9, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 80 comments

There's a similar resource out there : http://thetoolbox.cc/ which is way better, I believe, and made by frequent hn contributor sgdesign.

Thanks! There's also http://www.agiledesigners.com/, which I think is even better than The Toolbox. Although more design-oriented.

These types of links are why I love these types of posts.

That's another day of work lost.

LOL! You're abs right :)

Can't read it on the iPhone, content doesn't fit the screen width regardless of the orientation.



Yeah, some of the filters are cut off. The rest of the site works fine though.

Nope, not only filters, content.

Check the second screenshot: optimized typografy for…

I can read it just fine on an iphone. it looks good.

Maybe an update issue? I haven't updated since Maps (stubborn) but my phone has some issues with sites with which others don't.

You know Google Maps is now in the App Store and better than it was in iOS5?

True, but by now the faceplate is cracked, and I need to replace the whole thing anyways.

I agree, this site is a better aggregation of resources for web devs, alas, without the explitive in the URL.

Which is why I didn't read this the first day I saw it (the expletive), while at work. Only looking the second day it was up on the first page, when I was at home and curious why it was still popular.

Here is another one that I'm working on: web apps for building sites https://starthq.com/apps/?q=Web%20development

I wouldn't say better, just different. Thanks for posting!

OK, maybe not better but a little more organized.

I can second this, thetoolbox.cc is far superior.

doesn't have the live editing link, which I found the most interesting

webstorm ftw

Not sure than I can think of a worse way to organize such content than by reverse chronological posting date. Also not a big fan of profanity for this purpose (call me a prude).

And yet, despite the profanity, the post is #2 on the front page.

Welcome to the wild world of growth hacking!

HN is not the world but a tiny microcosm. I am also not sure the profanity in the URL is responsible for the position. The HN title would have been enough if it is indeed the deciding factor of popularity. By using profanity he has shut out every kid trying to learn at school or a person at a library or business sitting behind a filter in order to pander to the programming "elite".

So because people filter the internet... we should self filter to get around it.

That's an uncomfortable realisation for me. :-(

As a blanket statement no, we should not learn to circumvent filters as a behavior. But in this case if the site creators use of the word was "growth hacking" as suggested they may have failed because of the reasons I mentioned. Profanity has it's place where it adds to the conversation, I just don't see that here. If the site creators use of the word was to be cool and accepted by a small subset of the population, then indeed they succeeded. If it was to create a useful accesible site, then they could have done a better job without the profanity.

You are acting as if there is some positive value here.

There's isn't. It's a completely unnecessary word.

Argue about self filtering for things that are actually meaningful.

Language is a man-made construct; words only carry as much meaning/importance/value/derision as they are given by society. If we don't like a word, sure we can try (futilely) banning/censoring it, but it'll only add more credence to the very meaning the pro-censorship camp is trying to censor it for, resulting in a Streisand Effect scenario [0]. If you let a word you don't like continue to evolve organically on the other hand, chances are that society will get bored with it (or it's old meaning), and eventually move on from it. So why not just let language take its course?

The purpose of language is communication, and clearly the OP saw the word "shit" as a bit of a tongue-in-cheek synonym for "thing", so should we be annoyed at the concept of cheeky "things" as well? Here's a good rule to live by: "Context is just as important as Connotation in Communication". Clearly the context trumps whatever other connotations this 'naughty' word might have, so treat it as such. Who are we to judge another person's vernacular?

It shouldn't be the case that we are held hostage by our own creations. So don't let language control you; use it in the best way you can so as to empower yourself instead. If you still have a problem with certain words, think of it like dealing with a bully: if you ignore him long enough, he will get bored and go away.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect

You got it right in the first paragraph! And then drew the wrong conclusion.

That is exactly why you should be for censorship - without it all those words will lose their meaning, and people will invent new ones.

I don't see any need to invent new swear words, and I am against casual use of those words, because doing so leaves them to exist for the situations that warrants them.

I don't want, nor need, to be "shocked" all the time. Not do I want to be so desensitized that it's impossible to shocked me. I like the happy middle.

> without it all those words will lose their meaning, and people will invent new ones.

I can see where you're coming from, and can respect that, but it still feels to me like this idea that we will just perpetually invent new words that serve the same exact purpose to be a bit of an unconvincing assumption. I have no problem believing that racial slurs will go the way of the dodo eventually for example, so would there be a need to replace such words exactly? Maybe the words themselves will be adapted to fit a narrower/different definition, but the point is that it doesn't matter whether the words themselves stay static or not, because the zeitgeist that produced their meanings won't stay static anyway. So either we'll adapt the old ones to these new meanings, or we'll just resort to inventing new words for these similar/derived concepts when the old words are 'unavailable'.

And even this is still assuming that it is somehow innate for us to 'swear', or that 'swearing' as a concept is even well defined enough to try and do anything with it (like try to avoid it). I mean, if I use the word "fudge" everywhere the classic "F-word" would otherwise be used, why is it then still not considered a swear word? Maybe you could argue that it is, and that's cool, but clearly it carries significantly less of a 'sting' to it. So does it still make sense to lump it in with the other swear words? It just feels too arbitrary and ill-defined of a concept.

I don't disagree that we should reserve some expressions for intense emotions (such as those originally attributed to swearing), but like I said, Context is a key part of the language equation, which itself isn't even all that matters in communication (e.g. vocal intonation, and the whole array of non-verbal communications). Language really can't be considered in isolation, it very much still a product of verbal communication, so you have to take those factors into account too.

Besides, the whole debate about whether language limits thought or thought structures language is still up in the air, so to try and say anything conclusive about something that seems to be a purely linguistic artifact feels a bit premature.

> but it still feels to me like this idea that we will just perpetually invent new words that serve the same exact purpose to be a bit of an unconvincing assumption

We sure do. Check out some of the examples here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphemism_treadmill

> .. the word "fudge" ... considered a swear word? .. carries significantly less of a 'sting' to it ... feels too arbitrary

Yes, it's a swear word, and it has less of a string. It's exactly the way you write. It's good to have a variety of words to fit different situations. It's not anymore arbitrary than any other word.

> so to try and say anything conclusive about something that seems to be a purely linguistic artifact feels a bit premature.

It's not an artifact. I think it's pretty universal to all cultures. Toddlers will find "swear" words and use them when mad (usually related to bathroom activities). Kids who don't know swear words immediately try to learn some as soon as they hear any. And as far as I know every single culture has taboo words.

Most of the time the swear words stay pretty static. But then you have people who want to "liberate" them (and enjoy shocking people), without realizing they are actually neutering them.

I've seen people say that modern society is more accepting of swears. That's not what's happening, what's happening is the swears are losing their power. And of course then people find, and use, new ones. (Like the kerfuffle about the swear word in the movie Kick-Ass. The regular swears were too mainstream so they went with the strongest one they knew just for the shock value.)

I don't approve of using a swear for the shock value - use it where warranted by the situation, not to try to impress your listener. I will continue to criticize shock usage, and people will continue to scream about censorship.

Oh the humanity.

I'd like to see a transcript Carlin's Seven Dirty Words embedded in every website. Acquiescing to puritanical fools merely encourages them.

I'm glad I don't live in your world.

It sounds horrible.

You mean the United Theocracies of America?

You think any other English-speaking populace gasps in shock whenever someone dares utter the word "shit"?

What, you think they don't have any words that cause outrage?

I'm quite happy to let words retain their shock value without people like you trying to mainstream the words, and then be required to coin new ones.

Golly used to be a really serious swear, now it's quaint and old fashioned.

You think you are mainstreaming the words by making people OK with offensive words. (Not sure why you think that's such a laudable goal, but I guess it's your goal.) But that's not what actually happens. What actually happens is the word becomes less offensive in the first place.

> I'm quite happy to let words retain their shock value without people like you trying to mainstream the words, and then be required to coin new ones.

They're words. Why are you afraid of them?

> Golly used to be a really serious swear, now it's quaint and old fashioned.

What? Golly was never a "serious swear". That's why it existed in the first place -- because people were afraid of uttering a completely different word.

> You think you are mainstreaming the words by making people OK with offensive words.

This sentence is offensive. Far more offensive than "shit" has ever or will ever be. And not because any of its words are offensive, but because you presume to tell me what I think. And you are very, very wrong.

The idea conveyed is offensive. The words used are irrelevant.

"Vacuum" and "fuck you" are essentially the exact same phrase when pronounced phonetically. Why is one banned from TV and one not? Why do we make a big deal about one or the other? It upsets me that I have to censor the words I say based on the age of people around me (people under 12 or over 60 tend to require extra thought). Personally I started to swear around 6th grade or age 12, so it clearly isn't a particularly advanced linguistic skill. I'd just love if people got over "bad words" and let words be words so we didn't have to worry about it.

The definition of a bad word is a word that is censored.

As soon as you stop censoring the word it is no longer a bad word. So no one will be all that interested in saying it, and will invent a new bad word.

> The definition of a bad word is a word that is censored.

Therefore, in rejecting the entire concept of censoring words, the concept of a "bad word" is necessarily abolished as well.

This isn't about particular words, or a specific instance of censorship, it's about a principle.

Doesn't sound nearly as horrible as the censored world you propose. That fucking shitty world would be hell.

Carlin's Seven Dirty Words: Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits

This should be required reading alongside Shakespeare in high school. http://www.erenkrantz.com/Humor/SevenDirtyWords.shtml

A non-censored world would be much much worse - for you!

In such a world you could say all those things - and no one would care, and you would be sad that you were not able to say anything offensive.

Imagine a world where swear worlds did not even exist. That's the world you seem to want.

That would be such a wonderful world where people don't get their panties in a knot over the words used instead of the message.

Instead you seem to want a world where the message is ignored, the messenger is shot and everyone is offended because he used the word fuck.

> you would be sad that you were not able to say anything offensive

How did you come by the ability to read others' minds and tell them how they think and feel?

> How did you come by the ability to read others' minds and tell them how they think and feel?

About 10 years of practice.

It's clear you don't understand what I'm saying. Read my conversion with oblique63 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6017261

Maybe you'll get it, maybe you won't.

I already read it. There as here, your logic is bizarre and circular, your attitude defeatist, and your assumptions about other people arrogant and condescending.

It's just a link blog. Reverse chronological posting date is the default for blogs.

Perhaps related: theshittoget.com

By all appearances this is a trickle of links vaguely related to web development. Thanks for sharing?

edit: I'd be more interested in how you're using ifttt, pinboard, and wordpress to generate the site.

The site uses a Pinboard IFTTT trigger to post to WordPress. The title, description and link are all pulled from Pinboard, which makes posting to the blog a pretty fantastic process. Our post about some of the thoughts behind the process was featured on Medium back in March: https://medium.com/what-i-learned-building/1d87f0e7209d

I'm curious about how the site is created as well. Is there an IFTTT recipe for posting to WordPress from Pinboard?

Pinboard is a (newly) supported Channel for IFTTT, so a recipe for Pinboard -> Wordpress is simple to create. https://ifttt.com/pinboard

You can do a lot of hacky stuff with IFTTT if you play with RSS too. For reference, I made a Reddit image auto-downloader in IFTTT by using RSS and Yahoo Pipes awhile ago: http://minimaxir.com/2013/01/if-cute-then-happiness/

IFTTT is pretty awesome but I've been using the Postalicious plugin for a while to create a linkblog out of my Pinboard bookmarkings via RSS. Speaking of, RSS + IFTTT is great as well. I'm hoping the Google Reader demise indirectly cultivates additional innovation with RSS for these kinds of things.

Pretty awesome. Were you really looking for cute pictures or just proof of concept? :)

Just proof of concept. Honestly, if an automation service existed that had the simplicity of IFTTT (in terms of triggers) and the flexibility of running your own code to transform the inputs/outputs, that would be my dream startup.

Agreed, hoping Zapier implements something like this soon.

Basic transforms / Regex / Basic if statements applied to trigger inputs/outputs would be invaluable.

Collaborative screen sharing with two cursors? Engelbart would be happy.


I tired of seeing people posting stuff without explaining what is it about. Please do it next time, because I'm not gonna search for it.

I'm pretty sure "shit for making websites" pretty much covers the topic here.

No it doesn't. I thought it meant that someone got reprimanded or criticized because he made a website. Or perhaps paid poorly.

The actual meaning used here never even occurred to me.

Wow. It amazes me how people interpret things differently. Not that there's anything wrong with what you thought, it's just interesting.

"Please do it next time, because I'm not gonna search for it."..because that would be such a loss to them...

its pretty obvious / self explanatory..

If you're planning on being uninformed about what's going on around here and how you're missing out on purpose, please stop posting here.

Will do! Sorry coach!

Oh wow, Duet (project management app, http://duetapp.com ) is exactly what I've been looking for. This is going to make my life so much easier!

I'm buying it right now.

Before I looked I thought it was going to be about tools that are rubbish for making websites.

Possibly the makers of the listed resources & tools will not want their product related to a word synonymous with crap.

Thanks for sharing, some beautiful gems in it.. More specifically, didn't know about Duet. That's a beautifully designed website!

I thought that this list was pretty great. I don't write much js, but http://adamschwartz.co/log/ looks awesome.

That live editing CSS thing looks awesome, but it's been a few months since the video was released. Is it still an active project?

Im fairly certain that if you are on a mac you can do this with codekit or livereload

I'm not :(

Theres Prepros thats supposed to be similar to Codekit for both OSX + Windows


I actually prefer a Sublime Text plugin just like in the video, but I'll check Prepros out. Thanks!

Edit: Prepros is not the program I'm looking for. Meh.

Starts with a good set of things everybody might need, and then quickly trails off into an opinionated set of rather random things

Read this as shirt for making websites. I was expecting some satire on the millions of websites for making shirts.

thanks very much for posting this, I appreciate learning about useful resources.

lol best name ever... thanks for sharing.

this is great. haha. I needed that today.


disregard the comments, this is a very useful website. thanks X4 :)

Thank you @hydralist

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