Yes, or just have a web hosting company that doesn't utterly suck fucking balls.
I know a lot of people still use Network Solutions and GoDaddy, despite the fact that 5 seconds of armchair due diligence[1] would tell you that you shouldn't.
I've been hosting websites on Pair Networks[2] since (/searches email archive) 1997. My own projects, then client websites, and sites for multiple employers. Because they are awesome, when they opened PairNIC[3], I moved all the domains I control to them.
You could reduce this blog post down to "Don't register a domain name with your brother-in-law... if your brother in law is a fucking asshole who will try to rip you off."
And then factor that down to just "Don't register a domain name with a fucking asshole."
(So I guess the only reason I commented at all was because of the chance to plug Pair, who have been so awesome for so many years.)
Been using NameCheap for dozens of projects, I always use their hosting and domain registration for simplicity; especially when explaining what I'm buying for clients who have no idea what I'm doing on the backend. Despite hearing why I'm not supposed to do this, I have never really had any problems with it.
Be careful with that. You have to watch out for good companies being bought out by assholes. For example, I was a happy Speakeasy customer for a long time, but eventually Megapath bought them out. The Megapath CSRs were the least helpful people I have ever talked to and their cancellation process is deliberately broken too.
So I'm right with you on avoiding doing business with assholes. But just remember that a good business can go bad, especially if they get bought out by complete and utter assholes. Like Megapath.
This is a structural feature of modern web entrepreneurship. Through a great new time-saving product with few annoyances at a low price, one builds an audience loyal enough that they can convince investors to hand them lots of money, and then fulfill whatever contractual obligation they've assumed to pound that userbase for more money/eyeballs, driving them away. Sometimes it's not even a matter of additional revenue, but stoking the ego of investors. Google, for example, just removed size from their image search in order to 'simplify the UI' for mobile users who are sexier in terms of plausible growth; This has driven away large numbers of power users, and made it manifestly less useful than Bing.
The average lifespan of a useful tool / company is only a few years; If investors are involved there is always a dark side. Userbase goodwill is a valuable resource will eventually be tapped and depleted.
As a pair customer since 1996, I concur, they're awesome. Hosting isn't really cheap either, but IIRC they've always been in the top 5 on site availability every single year since I've been using their services.
I also have checked the three given links that are teaching exactly you said in the comment. BlueHost is another good domain name and hosting provider. Registering a name to trusted web hosting company is necessary otherwise you will have to suffer.
yes, teaching exactly what has given. That's true, It's essential to know that your web hosting company is trusted and reputed otherwise problems and hurdles will be on your way of online business success.
I know a lot of people still use Network Solutions and GoDaddy, despite the fact that 5 seconds of armchair due diligence[1] would tell you that you shouldn't.
I've been hosting websites on Pair Networks[2] since (/searches email archive) 1997. My own projects, then client websites, and sites for multiple employers. Because they are awesome, when they opened PairNIC[3], I moved all the domains I control to them.
You could reduce this blog post down to "Don't register a domain name with your brother-in-law... if your brother in law is a fucking asshole who will try to rip you off."
And then factor that down to just "Don't register a domain name with a fucking asshole."
(So I guess the only reason I commented at all was because of the chance to plug Pair, who have been so awesome for so many years.)