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Someone should write a book that outlines the appropriate boundaries for FaceBook.

I can do that right now, in quick blurb format.

* Don't accept a friend request from somebody you're not interested in as a person.

* Keep friends with the people that have cameras. Memories are wonderful things to have, and your friends may have more pictures than you do.

* Don't update your status unless you've got something interesting to say.

* If you poke somebody, ask them out later that week. Do not poke somebody you've been friends with for longer than a month.

* Tag people in notes sparingly. Don't tag people who aren't fans of "pass it along" notes.

* Only add applications that add value to your experience.

* If you see a news story in your feed from somebody you aren't interested in, unfriend them. Possibly write them an apology if they're somebody you think you might friend again later.

* If you're friends with Scoble, ignore all these, tag in as many notes as possible, tag photos of your pets with his name so he sees them, and poke, SuperPoke, and Poke-a-mon him to your heart's desire.

Any publishers interested? ;-)

Re: step 3, A few million twitter users would beg to differ.

The difference is that Twitter is one-way. On Facebook, if you want to use it you have to consciously maintain the friends you've got, because in theory they see everything you do.

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