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Holy cow with the grandiosity of the title I would expect a master 5 year plan about how Pipes will take over the world. Instead it's just another 'aggregate my aggregators non-problem' that will be relevant to a fraction of a fraction of nerds. Of course as soon as the value prop for the piped companies becomes lower than the value prop for Yahoo they will simply turn them off. But that's not to worry, because the value prop for the piped content will ALWAYS be higher than for Yahoo. How exactly does one go "all in" on schlepping around other people's content? Yahoo was in fact just that, to begin with...

I know right, I wonder why we keep falling for these posts, they are not worth #2 on HN

It is the "hacker new singularity". I saved this story just for my interest on the HN comments!

That's what bookmarks are for, though.

It as an answer to the parent comment. Don't know how to take your comment (and your downvote?)

(and your downvote?)


Parent was disagreeing with all the downvotes this story had, and you said you had 'saved' (which, in HN, means you had to upvote, since that's the only way to add a story to the saved list) this story because of the comments.

So my point was that instead of upvoting to save the story, you could've just bookmarked it.

No. It was another "downvoter"

> Holy cow with the grandiosity of the title I would expect a master 5 year plan

Thanks, I edited the post to include a chart from a PowerPoint I saw -- it only projects the next 4 years though.

Seriously though, the goal of this post was to point out how current trends are creating a user experience where Yahoo! Pipes is relevant.

I think you need the re-examine the term "all in".

All In implies something like IBM with System/360. Spending more than annual revenue (5,000,000,000? in 1960's - I can't find a great source for the actual number)on a product line that still drives significant profit 40 years later... That's all-in. Buying IFTTT so people can post tweets to Twitter and App.net? Not quite in the same league.

I'd actually be interested in seeing the powerpoint that came from and/or links to the actual data.

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