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I really wish the OP had linked to the explanation for the exams: http://www.daemonology.net/blog/2012-10-08-software-developm...

The author believes this test is very basic, and to follow your auto mechanic metaphor it would be like asking anyone from a Midas Muffler employee to Kiichiro Toyoda the difference between disc and drum brakes.

(Not that I agree with the author - to me, "basic knowledge" would be "What is big O notation?")

I really wish the OP had linked to the explanation for the exams

I did...

Oh, funny. I just noticed your name and realized you're the author. Sorry about that.

Your explanation is linked in the top of the test, but based on many of the comments here I don't think many people read it. It helped me put the test into perspective.

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