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If you can't answer the majority of the questions...you're lucky enough to be working within a narrow area where your deficit doesn't matter.

Where by "narrow" one presumably means "narrow in theoretical scope, but extremely large in terms of number of people, number of customers, number of paid hours spent working on things, and amount of impact on the world". Most of the web was built by people who don't know what B-trees are.

How do these people succeed as much as they do? Because the folks who designed PostgreSQL do understand what B-trees are, and they have been very successful at their goal: To encapsulate that knowledge in an abstracted system that other people can learn to drive without entirely understanding how it works.

This is not a problem with the web developers, nor is it a problem with this exam, which at first glance looks reasonable – people with CS degrees should be able to answer these questions. It is, perhaps, a problem with the concept of "software developer": It's being asked to cover too big a range. If the automotive industry were like computing, we'd use the phrase "auto mechanic" to refer to an amateur with a Haynes guide, a Midas Muffler employee, a member of a NASCAR pit crew, a Formula One driver, a mechanical engineer at Tesla Motors, an organic chemist working at a tire company, and Kiichiro Toyoda.

Most of the web was built by people who don't know what B-trees are.

By number of sites, perhaps. By revenue, I don't think so. The big names that dominated what the web is to most people certainly do know this stuff, at least insofar as the practical implications, and they try not to hire people that don't for development roles. That isn't to say that they don't also just use Postgres (or Berkeley DB, or whatever) instead of writing their own.

If the automotive industry were like computing, we'd use the phrase "auto mechanic" to refer to...

I totally agree with this - the field could use a few more job titles (and a little less grade inflation - SENIOR software engineer on 2 years experience? Really?) Software Fitter would be a much better description for the skilled assembly role that a lot of modern software boils down to. CRUD Technician is going to to need some PR work though!

>>By number of sites, perhaps. By revenue, I don't think so.

>>Software Fitter would be a much better description for the skilled assembly role that a lot of modern software boils down to. CRUD Technician is going to to need some PR work though!

I don't know why intelligent people with a little knowledge automatically think they are going to be rich. This causes a lot of heart burn and pain to people in later parts of their lives when they figure out things don't work that way in the real world.

Regardless of whatever you may think about them. You may even think them undeserving of all the money they earn, you may think they are stupid. The fact is abstraction enables people to work with a lot of things without knowing much about them in detail. In fact abstractions are invented for that very purpose. So that a million people shouldn't waste their time, energy and effort to relearn things, when all their resources can be better utilized to know just the abstract details and build things on top of it. This enables people to build things quickly on what is already available.

Revenues, money et al are dictated by what the world considers valuable at any time. You might know 1000 algorithms from the book, you might have studied every other data structure that's out there. But if knowing how to write a SQL query is what is valuable in the economy right now, guys doing that are likely to be paid more than you.

This isn't surprising at all. As developers we enjoy a unique position in the market. As for the money we get, compare this with any other industry, our peers working there get paid well less. How is is possible that people who work at the same level of difficult as we do get paid less than us? Because- merely knowing things and difficulty of tasks doesn't qualify for a better compensation.

I have to agree that this question set sits in between "useful CS topics" and "domain knowledge." Although a lot of people are building off of software libraries that use some heavy-duty CS knowledge, they need only be aware of the first-order implications - that there are different types of trees and sorts, that hashes, lists, and trees can expose similar interfaces while having different properties, that algorithm running time can be described with big-O notation. The fine differences are easy enough to research, and a responsible library author will document the expected runtime characteristics of their code.

On the other hand, something I'd expect to see on the final exam - and is already clearly absent based on the outline - is compiler design. If most of the world is doing web development and doing a lot of "slopping around of data between formats", parsing becomes important. Type systems become important. Code generation _may_ be important. And here, again, they don't have to be in-depth questions about the differences between LALR and packrat parsers, or describing the eight sides of the lambda cube. Simply demonstrating awareness of doing something other than mashing out a bad regex for every parsing problem would be an advance over the status quo.

I really wish the OP had linked to the explanation for the exams: http://www.daemonology.net/blog/2012-10-08-software-developm...

The author believes this test is very basic, and to follow your auto mechanic metaphor it would be like asking anyone from a Midas Muffler employee to Kiichiro Toyoda the difference between disc and drum brakes.

(Not that I agree with the author - to me, "basic knowledge" would be "What is big O notation?")

I really wish the OP had linked to the explanation for the exams

I did...

Oh, funny. I just noticed your name and realized you're the author. Sorry about that.

Your explanation is linked in the top of the test, but based on many of the comments here I don't think many people read it. It helped me put the test into perspective.

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