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I really appreciate it when earlier conversations are pointed to. (The additional points/comments/age numbers are wonderful, too, if you feel up to providing them.)

I wonder if a bot could be written to automate this? There are lots of horrible reasons one could have for writing a HN comment bot, so I'm hesitant to even suggest it, but this seems like a really useful/good bot.

I have one, I used it, I got significant hate-mail, I decided I didn't need the bile I got, I discontinued it.

Actually, I can't tell you how many times a HN comment like yours has turned me on to an ultra-valuable related discussion that I would never have seen or thought to look for.

So don't let negative comments (perceived or actual) speak for us silent appreciaters!

Thank you - much appreciated.

Would you mind publishing an example of a piece of hatemail? I'm baffled people would hate you doing that.

I won't post the unpleasant emails - I'd have to go and find them and I'm not inclined to re-read them. You can read some dissenting opinions, and a reasonably civilized discussion here:


Came here to post this, except I was going to suggest it be built into HN itself and be in a section at the top of the comment page, perhaps between the link and the comment box. A way to suggest/add the links to the box would be good too (maybe mods + the submitter could have control of which links show up via this system)

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