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This is probably obvious for most people, but when you can't find a feature you want in an editor, you should look for plugins.

So, in this case, you would go to http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/community and search for "indent" or "pretty" or "xml".

Obviously you didn't actually try what you suggested, if you had you'd have found there are plugins for JSON and XML and probably a few other formats, but was hoping ST2 would have what textmate and eclipse has had for a long time, code formatting, java, XML, xsl, JavaScript, c etc.

I know you're new here, but a little reminder about etiquette, even if you haven't gotten laid in a while, the community here is based on people being helpful rather than trying to be superior. The problem with that attitude is that it backfires and just makes you look insecure.

Sorry? My response was tailored for your comment -- you didn't mention plugins and you weren't (and still aren't) clear on the features you're missing. I.e., from your comment I inferred that you are new to all this, and so I treated you as a newcomer. I guess that hurt you feelings? If so, I didn't mean to :)

Nope, didn't hurt my feelings at all, I was trying to help you learn the ropes.

My comment was really pretty clear, and easy to follow, ST doesn't have a code formatter, you know, like textmate and eclipse do. It's a feature that lets you take poorly aligned code that is difficult to read, and fix up the alignment a la K&R et al. Hope that's clear enough for you :)

If you want to find out if someone is a newcomer, you can click on their profile and see pretty easily.

> I know you're new here

> If you want to find out if someone is a newcomer, you can click on their profile and see pretty easily.

> the community here is based on people being helpful rather than trying to be superior

Siodine's account is older than yours. You're rageing on him for trying to help you out by suggesting you find plugins before dismissing ST2. You're making an ass of yourself man. Stop acting like an elitist prick.

>It's a feature that lets you take poorly aligned code that is difficult to read, and fix up the alignment a la K&R et al. Hope that's clear enough for you :)

I linked you to plugins that do that. Also, you can find other such plugins through the site I linked for you. I wasn't inferring that you were a newcomer to Hacker News, I was inferring that you were new to this kind of technology in general (sort of freshmen level). And because my profile is two months old, doesn't mean I haven't been on Hacker News much longer. I'm glad I didn't hurt your feelings :)

dr42, I'd say you are the one not responding in the spirit of HN. Just calm down, someone tried to help, and you didn't find it helpful, no need to go all flamewar on them.


I agree with Volpe. It should also be noted that siodine has been a member longer so if anything, he's teaching you "the ropes".

> the community here is based on people being helpful rather than trying to be superior

> even if you haven't gotten laid in a while

> it backfires and just makes you look insecure.


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