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I'm mildly skeptical of visual programming because code generally won't be a planar graph and it's rarely useful to visualize a complicated enough graph. You can try to embed the graph in hyperbolic space, but I'm not sure how much you get out of it. For example of visualizing a graph where it's not clear what's going on: https://cambridge-intelligence.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/0...

Coding is a logic/language type activity that uses the language parts of your brain. Visualization can help see that certain relationships are true (e.g. visualizing the graph of a function), but I think the fundamental bottleneck we're dealing with here the inadequacies of the visual regions of the brain to do logic, not a lack of AI tooling.

I'd be happy to have my mind changed though.

EDIT: Although, an AI version of something like Chernoff Faces for visualizing data would be cool.

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