> During a recent national holiday, the man inside the Mickey mascot costume was warming up in an air-conditioned metal container inside the company’s factory that serves as his office.
> Ms. Blasco asked The New York Times to withhold Mickey’s identity from the Paraguayan public to preserve some of the “magic” behind the mascot.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was complaining about the hypocrisy and double standards.
It's all well and good that they didn't doxx the guy in the costume. I'm just saying that they also should have respected Scott Alexander's wishes, which were arguably even more justified.
> During a recent national holiday, the man inside the Mickey mascot costume was warming up in an air-conditioned metal container inside the company’s factory that serves as his office.
> Ms. Blasco asked The New York Times to withhold Mickey’s identity from the Paraguayan public to preserve some of the “magic” behind the mascot.
Seems all reasonable, until you remember the flimsy justifications for their doxxing of Scott Alexander of Slate Star Codex fame. See eg https://slatestarcodex.com/2020/06/22/nyt-is-threatening-my-...