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> they don't want to spend incremental funds on more security.

You could argue that at some point the "security" is the main threat against your security. It is like if I had some armed guard at a post outside my front door. The risk of him shooting me, or my drunk kids crawling through the bushes to avoid discovery, by mistake or at will due to some dispute surely out weight him protecting me from a 1/100 000 risk or what ever of lethal home invasion.

Sure, if your threat model is 1 incident per 100,000 days (274 years), your analogy holds.

274 years ago to Present time includes a lot of European wars. Claude AI gives me the following:

  7 years war, Napoleonic wars, Crimean war, Franco-Prussian war, WWI, WWII, Ukraine-Russia
So I would argue that your analogy is built on bad data and isn't exactly useful for real world.

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