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Russia using old ASML machines to make microchips for weapons (nltimes.nl)
23 points by belter 14 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

No, Ursula von der leyen confirmed. Russians are taking microchips from dishwashers and refrigerators. This article is a lie.


Politicians and mainstream media never lie.

This is a battleground with other opponents of the US too. Apparently ASML, with the support of the Dutch government, may revisit US led restrictions on their sales and support for China:


I am not sure what freedom ASML has either. As I recall, the EUV technology they use was actually from a DARPA funded research project, and maybe the US has some licensing restrictions as a way to control it.

There is a long way from DARPA research project to commercial technology. It took more than a decade for ASML to make EUV lithography work.

That's not really relevant to the licensor/licensee relationship, but from an academic perspective, how long would it have taken without the underlying US-taxpayer-funded research?

I got interested and started googling. Guess what I have found: "The EUV story begins in the mid-1980s in Japan when, building on multilayer mirror research done in Russia in the 70s, Hiroo Kinoshita projected the first EUV images." [0]

[0] https://www.asml.com/en/news/stories/2022/making-euv-lab-to-...

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