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>Buy your chocolate from companies that don't use child slavery, even if it's more expensive.

Which are those? Because most of those "made from Fairtrade/ethically sourced cocoa" labels you see on most chocolate bars are worth exactly dogshit.

This one is a serious one [0]. It's a small local chocolate producer that has close contacts with other small cacao producers and buys directly from them.

[0] https://nordicchocolate.se/chokladbutik/

Oh, and the flavour and texture is great. Lindt has nothing on these ones :-)

How do you know their practices are better than at your typical artisanal chocolate company? The kind of claims they're making don't look unusual to me.

Not sure what you mean with artisanal, english is not my native tongue. But she is a local legend here. Been passionate about chocolate since a kid and has worked hard to build a supply chain that works to her standards. Was on the news a few times showing the local sources of her cacao. And after tasting the chocolate I believe everything she says. :-)

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