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> law enforcement mode

> provide legally recognized law enforcement the ability to request the tracking record

Where do you live where law enforcement cares about stolen property? 1985 America?

In my experience, their efforts are directly correlated with the tools and information at their disposal. Report stolen property? They’ll take a report. Report the location of stolen property? Much more likely to investigate. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that they are loath to expend a limited amount of resources on anything other than triaged harm reduction. If they can recover stolen property while securing a successful prosecution of the thieves, without exerting a ton of time and effort, they probably will. That said, I have experienced needlessly unhelpful police encounters, so YMMV with pragmatism.

No need to be snarky. There are many places where police does its job.

And in other places you can probably bribe them to do it.

For anything that may be insured, they likely just want to get you your paperwork, so you can file a claim. Why bother getting something you can replace? For other things, they may care if there is an evidence trail to follow.

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