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FindMy Flipper – AirTag and SmartTag Emulator (github.com/matthewkukanich)
282 points by jstrieb 33 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 65 comments

very interesting project, but one of the downstream dependencies used here is insecure by default:


Seems to be auth lib for iCloud.

Also seems to hard code a MacBook device agent in order to associate the generated keys with a device.

As with anything in the centralized world, I wouldn’t use this on an account with a high number of services/digital assets tied to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple bans accounts that use this.

Wouldn’t be difficult to find out either given the unique “adsid” code that is required to login.

> Also seems to hard code a MacBook device agent in order to associate the generated keys with a device.

Hold short, so you don't need an iOS device technically to onboard AirTags, any Apple device is sufficient? Why in the name of everything that is holy does Apple not support this officially, just to push sales for iOS devices or what?

(Angry rant of someone who bought an extra used iPhone despite owning like 5k in Apple desktop/mobile gear, just to be able to onboard some AirTags)

I think Apple just doesn't think about use cases outside their ecosystem as a general rule, in the same way that SF engineers don't think about uses outside the Bay. It's not malicious when things stop breaking because they lose mobile connectivity, or when your rideshare app demands you wait outside in the middle of winter in Minnesota, these issues just aren't thought of as an organization.

> I think Apple just doesn't think about use cases outside their ecosystem as a general rule

No. They deliberately do this for gatekeeping. That's what I'd expect from a company forcing you to own a Mac in order to develop for iOS, by license terms.

If it's just technical issues Apple usually do have more helpful alternatives, for example you can only request password reset for your Apple ID on an Apple device (because they can throttle and potentially ban a threat actor trying to stuffing, I guess?), but they invite you to go to an Apple Store and use iPad in the store to do it if you happen to not have one.

> why in the name of everything that is holy does Apple not support this officially, just to push sales for iOS devices or what?

You answered your own question ;).

My best guess (assuming it wasn’t malice/greed): not many people have access to an NFC/RFID reader and it’s Apple. So it has to be soft locked somehow behind the Apple Wall. So, in order to provide that “just works” experience. It’s better to advertise iPhone method as a way to get the tags registered.

Other methods exist, but your mileage varies. Also, Apple may change the APIs at any time and break that process. Thus, no support provided.

The auth lib for iCloud is inherently insecure, for you, and obviously not for Apple, Inc. I would fork this project into two separate products, which is abhorrent to do, but it must be done.

I would never consciously integrate a library from a third party. I am in the middle of scanning every single release of 'VenToy' into virus scanners, awaiting for the moment when an NZ-type vulnerability proves true.

Its not that Apples payment stream depends on this, its their subscription model.

Beware of offering a feature free that Apple thinks is interesting, they will lock you out, and start charging people for it.

Doubly beware of p*ssing off geeks, the will go to bed on Friday, in an angry state, and fervently work all weekend both to black box your product, but to trivialize the implementation of it. Now those are the really scary people.

This concept would possible be used to get around the stalking features that Apple et al has implemented.

Ex: Get N donor tags. Have it cycle through the N tags every 24/N hours. Therefore, to apple (/ device tracking), the "stalkee" is never being followed by a single tag for an extended period of time.

If it's not patched yet: I heard you can just power cycle a tag on a timer to evade detection. Add a large battery with a simple timer circuit, remove the beeper and you got yourself an amazing tracking device.

IIRC this came up in the context of tracking shipments with expensive equipment, where it can be in transit for many months. The tags are so power efficient that they work for ages on a large battery, existing GPS solutions just didn't cut it.

>If it's not patched yet: I heard you can just power cycle a tag on a timer to evade detection

I'm not sure how apple could ever patch it. If you were willing to add a power-cycling microcontroller to your airtag, it wouldn't be that much effort to also add a bank of airtags to cycle through, which would make the apparatus totally indistinguishable from a group of airtags coming in and out of range constantly.

Well, not totally indistinguishable. But hard to write hard coded rules for.

I use them out of the box to track expensive equipment in cases and the batteries are good for 6-12 months or so, sometimes longer.

Why do you need donor tags? The README for the project has instructions for generating tags.

> Ex: Get N donor tags. Have it cycle through the N tags every 24/N hours. Therefore, to apple (/ device tracking), the "stalkee" is never being followed by a single tag for an extended period of time.

If you have to cycle the tags constantly, couldn't you just physically follow the person and spend less effort/money at that point? Or get a GPS tag that doesn't use the AirTag "network" at all, no cycling needed.

You wouldn't actually physically cycle/replace the tag. As you can see in the README, you can clone real tags, which could be advertised by the device in intervals.

right, I'm actually wondering if one could build an esp32 device that did this itself (i.e. without the need of a flipper zero). Basically something in a similar form factor of an actual air tag.

the anti-stalking features make airtags less useful for anti-theft (or theft discovery), as any aware thief can just disable the tag due to the anti-stalking feature (apple does note that its not designed for anti-theft purposes). But if one can defeat the anti-stalking feature, it makes it much more practical for this.

Personally, I wish Apple allowed one to permanently put their air-tag into law enforcement mode, which would prevent you personally from tracking it (and remove it from stalking alerts), but would provide legally recognized law enforcement the ability to request the tracking record (i.e. same process that they might use for requesting cell phone location data).

You can, there's been ESP32 firmware out for years that does this: https://github.com/seemoo-lab/openhaystack/tree/main/Firmwar...

ah, would be easy to extend it to do what I said, just need to store multiple keys and rotate through them on some schedule.

> law enforcement mode

> provide legally recognized law enforcement the ability to request the tracking record

Where do you live where law enforcement cares about stolen property? 1985 America?

In my experience, their efforts are directly correlated with the tools and information at their disposal. Report stolen property? They’ll take a report. Report the location of stolen property? Much more likely to investigate. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that they are loath to expend a limited amount of resources on anything other than triaged harm reduction. If they can recover stolen property while securing a successful prosecution of the thieves, without exerting a ton of time and effort, they probably will. That said, I have experienced needlessly unhelpful police encounters, so YMMV with pragmatism.

No need to be snarky. There are many places where police does its job.

And in other places you can probably bribe them to do it.

For anything that may be insured, they likely just want to get you your paperwork, so you can file a claim. Why bother getting something you can replace? For other things, they may care if there is an evidence trail to follow.

What is purpose of the law enforcement feature? Would it be like donating an AirTag to police?

In the case that one is using an airtag for ant-theft purposes and they do not want to alert the thief of the existence of the airtag while maintaining the intention of the alerts (anti-stalking).

ex. You notice your bike is stolen. immediately turn on law enforcement mode. The anti-stalking notifications are disabled but the owner can no longer track the airtag. However, after alerting the police, they could access the location of the device and investigate or recover the bike.

"they could access the location of the device and investigate or recover the bike."

Umm, where do you live that the police give a hoot about a stolen bike? Maybe Japan?

If a bunch of bikes keep ending up in the same place, they can likely sting some organized crime. That actually happens here in the Netherlands.

(in case elaboration is useful: AirTag relies on GPS location reports from user unaware iOS phones. This enables a stalker to throw a tag into your backpack and follow you. iOS notifies this happening to the user based on tag ID, and presumably GP meant that cycling through fake IDs could bypass triggering that.)

Still using flipper a few times per week. Looking forward to the next edition with Wi-Fi and other frequencies.

What do you use it for?

Not OP but I still use mine quite frequently.

- My family’s old subhz car keys are dying so I cloned it & use the flipper when the real one doesn’t work. It’s a car from before the 2000s so no security whatsoever.

- Apartment, lift, gym rfid. Don’t need to bring multiple sets of cards

- IR is also helpful as a backup while I procrastinate going out and buying batteries for some remotes.

I thought many gym and apartment key fobs can’t be replicated due to rolling keys. Has this been addressed or flipper works on older fobs?

Rolling keys is more of an RF thing, fobs are NFC or RFID (rolling key is still vulnerable to a simple replay attack).

For NFC/RFID it depends entirely on the card. You can easily clone Mifare Classic, but on newer ones there's no way I know of, and the software does not (yet) have support for Legic (which has been broken for over a decade).

I’m in Malaysia. We still think RFID is a new thing

My dogs' microchips have a body temperature sensor. When one of them is acting like they might be sick, I can take their temperature with via my Flipper's RFID reader.

Not OP, but I've used it to clone (my own!) hotel key cards. I've accidentally left my key in the room when I unlocked the door, then absentmindedly tossed the card onto the dresser instead of putting it right back into my wallet. It's nice to have a backup in my bag.

Other hotels have an iPhone app you can use to unlock your door. That's another nice backup, but I've found I can have my Flipper out and the room door open faster than I can open my phone, find the app, launch it, inevitably have to log back in because it's been more than 30 seconds since I last opened it, etc.

The IR blaster is the most common usage. After that, some games are good. Pass hours playing scorched earth while travelling.

Also give it for my kids to play instead of letting use the phone and browse random stuff on youtube.

I'm glad you've found an use for it. Its most common use is a paperweight at home.

Dunno about the current prices, but it was a REALLY expensive paperweight for a long time. People paid hundreds of dollars for one.

nah - a "good" paperweight can easily rival the cost of a car

I see you've been shopping with my wife.

I simply park my car on top of papers that I want to keep in place -- one less paperweight to buy.

Yeah. Flipper version is just another clone from https://www.whicken.com/scorch/

The original one was funnier because you could change the config for the different weapons.

Friends and I make keyfobs to our apartment buildings. The HOA fee is $100. But the fob is a few cents.

WiFi dev board does not cut it?

Flipper is a nice device. Dev boards don't travel well inside your pockets.

Has anybody tried this to see how the "Find My" app reacts to seeing the "same" tag in more than one location?

Apple servers don't know anything about the location, so it's up to the implementation (in this case, the FindMy app) to average the location

Am I missing something or would it just use the most recent one?

Yeah but what happened when one is many miles away and both are checking in, so most recent location is flip flopping.

I use this and it's great. Consumes basically no power, too. I'd like it if it could talk to Google's "Find device" network, but it's already working really well with Apple's network.

It would be nice if this can be ported to a low cost BLE device such as the ESP32-C3. Using a flipper as an airtag is a bit expensive.

There are a few projects for this. Check this out: https://github.com/seemoo-lab/openhaystack/tree/main/Firmwar...

Sadly this requires a "donor" tag to impersonate (which then can't be used for as long as you want this to work), or using OpenHaystack which requires using a Mac in order to get the data.

It doesn't, I use it without an AirTag on my Linux machine. It works fine.

How? The README [0] states that a Mac is required. Do you mean that you use the Find My network to keep track of your Linux machine's location (as described in [1]), but not to locate devices (which requires either macOS or a proxy server running on macOS)?

[0] https://github.com/seemoo-lab/openhaystack?tab=readme-ov-fil...

[1] https://github.com/seemoo-lab/openhaystack/tree/main/Firmwar...

How do i use it without an Airtag? At the step number 9 the setup asks me to enter an Apple ID, which i do not have. Is there a way to track it on Android or Linux without an Apple ID?

You don't need a Mac to create an Apple ID, no? You just create one on the site. To be fair, I created mine years ago.

I've tried to create an Apple ID recently on a non-Apple platform and it was a huge PITA. Tried using different browsers on Windows and Linux, tried Apple Music on Android , tried iCloud on Windows - nothing.

Basically I was able to pass email and phone number verification, but then "Continue" button on the "Apple ID & Privacy " page doesn't work and you can't get around it. No error or description whatsoever, just internal server error in the browser's console.

Turns out it's a known problem and the same button works perfectly fine when pressing it on an Apple device. I haven't tried it in a macOS VM though, but presumably Apple flags such accounts anyway.

Related thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/applehelp/comments/17zawel/continue...

Yeah, Apple is crap that way. Whenever I log in from my Linux desktop, they "lock" my account and I have to go through a long process where I verify my email, phone, password, and they send me an SMS code.

If you want, I can create an account for you on my Mac, email me (email in profile).

The README.md could use a link to know what this is talking about: https://flipperzero.one/

What Android app do I need to use this? Preferably one that does not require Google Services?

This project is for Flipper Zero, not a phone.

I understand that I need a Flipper, and I have one.

But what Android app can actually "find" it? I don't have an iPhone or Samsung device.

None. All you need is a computer with Python, git and Docker

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