F# has it's own warts, tooling isn't as polished, stuff like type providers sound really cool but suck in practice IMO, file ordering being relevant for compilation is bleh...
Every time I try to use it I'm left with a feeling it's not worth the hassle over C#.
C# has been quite nice for 10 years and they keep improving consistently with every version.
Not to dismiss your criticisms, but I love that file ordering is relevant for compilation for one key reason:
It forces you to reconcile your architecture as it gets bigger and before you accidentally turn it into a monolithic nightmare. IMO, It's more than just a preemptive defense against cyclomatic complexity. Going into unfamiliar F# code, the file ordering is usually a huge clue where to start reading first.
The language itself is nice, the code bases that companies produce with it is not, and sadly that reputation plays into your decision to choose a career stack.
You're going to have patterns from the .NET Framework era being ported to .NET Core projects. It works, but you'll have two paradigms of doing things mixed into your project.
I envy people who only do hobbyist C# so get to work on code bases that have all the newest language feature usage.
>You're going to have patterns from the .NET Framework era being ported to .NET Core projects. It works, but you'll have two paradigms of doing things mixed into your project.
I've been spending the past couple years migrating various platforms from Framework to the new .NET and as long as you've got a head on your shoulders it's not too bad. Also, new projects in .NET are fantastic to work with, imo.
I have been doing the same, but I would be willing to bet that you're probably more disciplined than the average .NET developer (or at least have taken the time to learn more than just the surface features available). In my experience, most .NET developers don't take the time to really learn the framework (whether traditional .NET Framework, or the Core framework). It is a great feeling once you've got a Framework project migrated over to current .NET and everything is running along smoothly. My experience has mostly been migrating content management systems.
I mean the built-in libraries for .NET (whether that is the older .NET Framework, or .NET Core - now labeled just as .NET). One of the biggest benefits to using C# and .NET is the amount of documentation available. If you are still using .NET Framework, and haven't moved to the open-source .NET, I would suggest spending some time learning the open-source version. It's not vastly different, and the good thing is the C# language hasn't changed very much, other than adding new features for developer ergonomics.
I definitely dislike most C#/.NET developers/community (every time mediator is mentioned I want to stab myself) and would rather work with people in F#/FP.
But when you have to work on "diverse" development teams having some sort of patterns established (flawed as they are) brings some order to the insanity.
Does C# impose a lot of organization? I've only worked in one C# codebase but it has partial classes everywhere and TONs of abstraction bloat. I found it difficult to reason about the organization.
C# doesn't really, but VS + the asp.net framework do.
You kinda have to fight against the IDE to not do a lot of things a certain way. For example, it'll automatically namespace new files according to your folder structure. They've also turned a certain amount of automatic linting on to gently suggest/nag you to write in a particular way.Suggest you write classes in certain ways, use newer language features, declare variables in better ways, etc. You can ignore all the nagging, but it's also incredibly easy for the next programmer to walk in and use the quick actions functionality to 'fix' the code in a few clicks.
And the asp.net core team have been incredibly opinionated, forcing a lot of good coding practices on the community.
So on the plus side, they pretty much forced DI to be the way we all work now. It's worked really well. Most library authors have now embraced it with gusto and you'll have a hard time using new libraries in a code base that's DI incompatible.
The bad side is that sometimes they made bad choices, but they are more minor things. Like they bizarrely went all in on JWT tokens which work really badly for corporate apps. Or the IOptions pattern for global settings which sucks compared to normal env variables in any other language. Lots of confusion over how they work on forums and SO.
> You kinda have to fight against the IDE to not do a lot of things a certain way. For example, it'll automatically namespace new files according to your folder structure. They've also turned a certain amount of automatic linting on to gently suggest/nag you to write in a particular way.Suggest you write classes in certain ways, use newer language features, declare variables in better ways, etc. You can ignore all the nagging, but it's also incredibly easy for the next programmer to walk in and use the quick actions functionality to 'fix' the code in a few clicks.
This is why I find a .editorconfig file to be incredibly helpful.
I don't think I've really seen a partial class since the webforms/winforms days about 15 years ago. Maybe XAML too but I haven't used XAML in so long.
I think abstraction bloat is one of those things that's a preference. What's bloat to one is organization to someone else. When I hope into a python codebase and it's 900 line file doing computer vision madness, I hope and pray for abstraction bloat. I'm sure there are countless c# bloated codebases but I think that's mostly a function of c# codebases being inside megacorporate or government codebases. The bloat comes from the general inefficiency that those companies run at. I guess the same could be said by the scrappy python startups that put everything in a single file with no types or inversion of control or OOP.
I guess I'm saying that I'd rather deal with the bloat problem than the wild west problem. lol
Out of interest, what "patterns from the .NET framework era" do you think don't work well in .Net core?
( I'm someone who deals all day with legacy .Net framework projects, mixed with the kind of mix of .Net core 3, .Net 6, .net standard 2.0, and .Net 8 projects that you'd expect from a 20+ year old company with 260+ projects. And yes, I too envy hobbyists at time. )
Nothing against F# but the developer ecosystem around C# is just plain better, especially if you're already a dotnet shop. Documentation, code examples, tooling, developers who already know the language, etc.
F# doesn't really buy you anything if you're already invested in C# (or even VB.net for those poor souls) unless you have a very specific use-case for it, IMO.
That F# has no native GUI framework is the reason why I stick with C#. When coding something with a GUI, the majority of my development time is typically spent in the GUI layer. The rest is some more or less straightforward object relational mapping with some validation an calculations in a business layer where I use Linq to emulate functional programming in C#.
Adding F# to the game would only complicate the scenario, because I would need to connect the F# interfaces somewhere to C# anyway, requiring an additional layer of mappings in many cases.
It is (together with FuncUI Elmish) an extension for Avalonia to write GUI applications in F#. What difference does it make if Avalonia itself is written in C#?
I mean that's mostly pretty easy bindings, but yeah it's annoying that you have to do them and feels like you're losing out on the whole damn point of using F#
Indeed. The company I work for uses F# for large revenue workloads across many services; mostly coming from non .NET dev's. It handles large scale customer traffic quite well without a hiccup and with the C# interop we never find we are blocked (e.g enterprise/vendor libs). They found it easier to learn F# than C# - it has a lot more in common with JS/Go/etc in how code is structured and maintained from their POV. Good mentorship is critical for learning and deriving extra value from it especially if coming from old C#/Java/etc. The push for C# to minimal APIs, less classes, etc from our experience has slowly made it less necessary to have F# wrappers as well - the interop ugliness usually only resides in one file (e.g. ASP.NET Startup.fs or equilvalent in given C# framework). Given our proprietary nature however we don't broadcast a lot of our dev effort/development online - I assume many F# shops are/were similar.
We've created very large scale applications in it requiring significant throughput. One of its benefits is also its disadvantages - we typically are quite productive in it and so don't feel the need to hire as many people in the team. Before LLM's were a thing we found we were wasting less time with boilerplate in general than our C# code for example. YMMV.
I get the feeling F# is a second-class citizen in the ecosystem. How likely is it (or is it at all possible) that I'm going to run into some library that doesn't work with F#?
It's impossible for a .NET library to not work with F#. It's very possible (and even likely) for a .NET library to prevent you from writing idiomatic F#.
> It's impossible for a .NET library to not work with F#.
This isn't true, C# has been adding new ABI features that didn't interact correctly with F# until the compiler and tooling catched up. For example, the spanification of C# was a huge a pain point and it still is when it comes to tooling.
You mostly have to look at the time frames between C# adding features with new ABIs and the time it takes for F# to announce they can actually consume them.
For example, F# used to crash the CLR with InvalidProgramException when setting C# `init` properties. [1] It took almost three years, I think, to release the fix.
Another rough example would be spans, and their more general feature, byref-like types (ref struct). These required plenty of compiler support, as they've got special lifetime rules (and more pending to implement `scoped`), they are banned as generic type arguments, and they require ignoring a special Obsolete attribute.
While these were added to F# timely, many language features still break when they interact with them: local functions, computation expressions (even the built-in ones), recursive type inference, and generic intrinsic methods such as `raise`, `defaultof` or `typeof`.
This wouldn't be so bad if C# hadn't "spanified" the shared framework and the entire ecosystem without CLS alternatives for many APIs.
So, these natural F# snippets don't compile:
let numbers = [| for span in text.EnumerateLines() -> Int32.Parse span |]
let checkNonEmpty (span: ReadOnlySpan<'T>) =
if span.Length > 0 then span else failwith "Expected non-empty span."
Edit: And I haven't even gotten into the libraries that use reflection expecting you to declare types in ways F# doesn't support.
Stuff like Roslyn analysers, code generators and interceptors, only take C# semantics into account, the first one also works with VB.NET.
Since its introduction that CLR has the notion of CLS, the Common Language Subset, that any language targeting the CLR should be able to understand.
Anything in the MSIL or metadata, that isn't part of that, requires additional effort from the respective language to be able to expose those features, and many of the more recent improvements, are more in the sense of CLR meaning C# Language Runtime, than Common Language Runtime.
Just to add to the other comments, in my experience a large majority of libraries work fine. Maybe a little tweak here or there, or maybe you need to use some C# esq syntax (which is harder in my case because I so rarely do now).
Generally though, it's pretty easy. Sometimes you'll want to make bindings around various things (not that you need to, but it'll make things smoother).
It's not actually awful, it's just that there's no real documentation of "hey today we're going to take Serilog/whatever and show you how to configure it in F#" style videos, so depending on where your weaknesses lie it can feel frustrating.
My experience mirror yours. I really lean into the functional core, imperative shell because of this. Im mostly interacting with C# flavored libraries at the edges and I don’t try to force F# paradigms there, I just roll with the punches.
Because nobody uses it, Microsoft doesn’t invest or promote F# heavily. I’m pissed about all of this, but I accept that eventually C# will get much of F#’s goodness.