Just to add to the other comments, in my experience a large majority of libraries work fine. Maybe a little tweak here or there, or maybe you need to use some C# esq syntax (which is harder in my case because I so rarely do now).
Generally though, it's pretty easy. Sometimes you'll want to make bindings around various things (not that you need to, but it'll make things smoother).
It's not actually awful, it's just that there's no real documentation of "hey today we're going to take Serilog/whatever and show you how to configure it in F#" style videos, so depending on where your weaknesses lie it can feel frustrating.
My experience mirror yours. I really lean into the functional core, imperative shell because of this. Im mostly interacting with C# flavored libraries at the edges and I don’t try to force F# paradigms there, I just roll with the punches.
Generally though, it's pretty easy. Sometimes you'll want to make bindings around various things (not that you need to, but it'll make things smoother).
It's not actually awful, it's just that there's no real documentation of "hey today we're going to take Serilog/whatever and show you how to configure it in F#" style videos, so depending on where your weaknesses lie it can feel frustrating.