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Could you share some sources on stimulants discontinuation?

High discontinuation rate around stimulants aligns with my observations but I was wondering if that was only because of limited medication options where I am (not only for stimulants but in general).

Yeah, I would be surprised if it were to do with "not liking them" and not "consistently getting them is highly difficult for a person with ADHD" due to their controlled status in most countries. In the US, from what I've heard, it's particularly draconian, where you're only allowed to get a new prescription on the day the last one runs out, and then have to take a paper prescription to a pharmacy where they often don't have stock, so you have to try many pharmacies, all the while being treated as a possible drug seeker by staff.

Maybe this is based off of outlier reports, but it doesn't sound easy for someone with ADHD to keep up a regular supply of medication in the US, and the slightest lapse in medication supply to an individual can worsen that difficulty with their symptoms reappearing almost immediately.

Here in the UK it's a bit more relaxed, but still more difficult and under way more scrutiny and dumb rules than, say, an SSRI medication, which are plentiful and under no scrutiny at all, despite the fact that I had a much worse time on those with worrying side effects and extreme withdrawal symptoms.

> In the US, from what I've heard, it's particularly draconian, where you're only allowed to get a new prescription on the day the last one runs out, and then have to take a paper prescription to a pharmacy where they often don't have stock, so you have to try many pharmacies, all the while being treated as a possible drug seeker by staff.

I live in the US and take Adderall, the only part of this that is even slightly true is that sometimes there are shortages on dosage. As in they’re back-ordered on the 20mg pills so my doctor writes me a prescription for 10mg and I double up for a week until I can get the 20mg pills.

My prescriptions are all digital, come to me at least a week before I run out, and nobody has ever even batted an eye when I fill it, which always happens at the same pharmacy.

It varies by state. In Ohio, I had to get physical paper with a physical signature from the doctor’s office. Every single month. I’m somewhat thankful I turned out to have been misdiagnosed in childhood and I’m actually bipolar. At least I can get my meds as a 90-day supply and have over a month of spare medication.

I don’t understand the hyper-regulation of adhd meds when they hand out benzos like candy. Unadulterated opioids are a bit more difficult but I’ve still have a month’s supply of those from a previous dental surgery.

Do you know if that’s a consequence of Ohio law, or your insurance provider?

> you're only allowed to get a new prescription on the day the last one runs out

I think it's more like a week before.

You might be right, it might be that the pharmacy won't accept the prescription until the last one has run out, rather than when the doctor will prescribe a new one. Regardless, it's a really common complaint in ADHD support groups I'm a member of with members based in the US - every month is a hectic hoop-jumping exercise that, if you didn't know better, almost seems designed to be difficult for people with ADHD.

3 days in Ohio

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