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> In the US, from what I've heard, it's particularly draconian, where you're only allowed to get a new prescription on the day the last one runs out, and then have to take a paper prescription to a pharmacy where they often don't have stock, so you have to try many pharmacies, all the while being treated as a possible drug seeker by staff.

I live in the US and take Adderall, the only part of this that is even slightly true is that sometimes there are shortages on dosage. As in they’re back-ordered on the 20mg pills so my doctor writes me a prescription for 10mg and I double up for a week until I can get the 20mg pills.

My prescriptions are all digital, come to me at least a week before I run out, and nobody has ever even batted an eye when I fill it, which always happens at the same pharmacy.

It varies by state. In Ohio, I had to get physical paper with a physical signature from the doctor’s office. Every single month. I’m somewhat thankful I turned out to have been misdiagnosed in childhood and I’m actually bipolar. At least I can get my meds as a 90-day supply and have over a month of spare medication.

I don’t understand the hyper-regulation of adhd meds when they hand out benzos like candy. Unadulterated opioids are a bit more difficult but I’ve still have a month’s supply of those from a previous dental surgery.

Do you know if that’s a consequence of Ohio law, or your insurance provider?

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