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You could be right, after reading through the guidelines it does seem on the edge. Which exact policy do you think it is violating?

I was trying to relay that it is an enormous resource by Google but somehow nobody talks about it. (At least I haven't heard about it, which is odd considering its size.)

The title does sound a bit clickbaity, please tell me what title I should have used instead.

I think the typical approach is to use the regular site name (so just "Google Arts and Culture") and let people click on it assuming there's something interesting about it to justifying being posted. That doesn't work super well when the original title is vague, like this one, but I think it does correspond to this guideline:

> Please don't do things to make titles stand out, like using uppercase or exclamation points, or saying how great an article is. It's implicit in submitting something that you think it's important.

"I didn't know existed" is clearly editorial.

You could just make it: "Google Arts and Culture site"

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