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Japanese words and names sound African (2022) (farooqkperogi.com)
127 points by eatonphil 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 110 comments

Because the Bantu languages (most prominently: Swahili) and Japanese have similar sound systems. Finnish is also oddly similar-sounding, or Hawaiian. None of them are actually related.

It's because the syllable is restricted in the number of possible forms, in a similar way. (And they all have approximately five vowels. And a pitch accent.) In Hawaiian, nothing but consonant + vowel syllables are possible. Swahili and Japanese allow an optional final n sound. Finnish is a little more flexible, and syllables can end with an n, r, l or t. No consonant clusters, in any of the languages. No syllables ending with consonants outside the restricted set (if any), in any of the languages.

This results in a lot of syllables of the form: i, a, ne, na, ka, ta, po, to... "Pokatokaino". I just made that up and it's probably not a Swahili, Finnish, Hawaiian, or Japanese word -- but it could be.

This basic pattern (consonant + vowel + maybe limited option for final consonant) is very common; it's the most common arrangement among the worlds languages. Far more common than languages like English which allow monstrosities like "strengths" (which is 6 consonants and one vowel).

Nit: pokatokaino is unlikely to be Japanese, since word-initial p has morphed into h during the centuries. But it works if you turn it into, say, t.

Anyway, I think there's another factor: the common alphabet we transliterate these languages to is quite limited. I suspect the similarities become less obvious if you use something like the IPA, which has better universal correspondence between sounds and letters (i.e. doesn't reduce every sound to the same ~26 symbols).

Japanese does allow for word initial P in loan words, like Pokémon, so the sound isn’t impossible in Japanese. And pachinko is a Japanese word.

There are also many native Japanese onomatopoeiae using an initial p sound. Interestingly enough, if we're at Pokémon, Pikachu's name is influenced by the onomatopoeia /pikapika/ which means to shine, sparkle or flash. But if we look at the original pronounciation of the Japanese verb 光る/hikaru ("to shine"), it would have been pronounced /pikaru/ in Old Japanese, so it looks like the onomatopoeia has re-established itself.

The same is probably true for the Japanese word for flag, 旗/hata - it would have been pronounced /pata/ which is suspiciously reminiscent of the onomatopoeia /patapata/, often used for thin pieces of material flapping in the wind.

The Pikachu name is also partly derived from the pika, a small rabbit-like mammal native to Asia and North America.

The pika is an obscure (yet barely interesting...) rabbit thing with no cultural salience, whose most noted features are its alarm call and lack of visible tail, nor are its names pronounced much like the pika in Pikachu in the languages Japanese has much exchange with. Pikachu is explicitly a rodent (a "mouse" with some squirrel inspirations) designed in the early 90s with none of those features.

This claim seems profoundly unlikely.

To be fair, Pokémon is abbreviated English, while pachinko is recent from pachin, the onomatopoeia of the loud sound made by the metal balls.

I believe the change into “h” sounds is more applied to words that were traditionally initiated in “p” but morphed over time, in turn also making words starting on “p” an oddity.

This is an interesting phenomenon in language change. There is the question of what sounds are legal in the language (or what sound combinations, and in what contexts), and there's the separate question of which of those possibilities actually exist. For example, syllable-initial "th" is never followed by L in English, but the sound sequence generally doesn't pose difficulties to English speakers, who are already familiar with words like e.g. "three", "shrink", and "sleep".

For a sound to occur in a language, there are two requirements:

The obvious one is that it has to be possible.

But the less-obvious one is that its precursor in the ancestral language must have been possible there. This is what causes strange gaps where it looks like a sound should be possible, and yet it never occurs.

Fair; though I didn't say it's impossible, just unlikely :)

Japanese words starting with "p" still exist, but they tend to be loanwords (pokemon = pocket + monster) or onomatopoeia (pachinko = pachin + ko). Thinking of it now, pokapoka is also a word, but again, an onomatopoeia.

I thought of Pocky, but turns out this is an onomatopoeia too

> It was named after the Japanese onomatopoeic word pokkiri (ポッキリ), which is supposed to resemble the sound of the snack being cracked.


What about パクリ? and ぽっかり?

Those belong to the "onomatopoeic" stratum; you can form e.g. ぱくり・ぱっくり・ぱくぱく・ぱくっと.


those are imported words.

There are other subtle rules that language may follow in word formation.

For example, in Japanese, a word like tokatokaino may mutate into tokadokaino due to a phonological effect called Rendaku (it depends on details like if "tokadokaino" is a compound word made of "toka"+"toka"+"ino")

Is this the reason that we call Toyoda's company by the name Toyota?

So Toyota has a company folklore explanation to do with the number of strokes when written in hiragana being a lucky number, but Japanese linguists were skeptical when the BBC did a piece on it and think it was just a preference for the unvoiced version when the town in which it was founded changed its name to match the company: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8534294.stm

That's a good point. Latin letters map to a big number of IPA sounds. I think this is specially true with consonants. Vowels, however, might be the same. For example, Spanish has five vowels (a, e, i, o, u in IPA). Japanese also has five IPA vowels and only the "u" is different in IPA

As a speaker of Scandinavian languages, literally none of the vowels in English map correctly to how we pronounce the same vowels. Several of the English vowels are diphthongs, which we spell out with double vowels. Like eng. "i" is our "ai", eng. "a" is our "ei" - "a bridge" is translated to "ei bro", where the articles are pronounced exactly the same. Or the Scottish word for home, "hame", is pronounced exactly like we say the same word, "heim".

When learning German it was a revelation that languages could pronounce the same letters in the same way in every word, and therefore you could accurately predict the pronunciation of a word from the spelling.

English does not do this; every word has its own pronunciation, only loosely related to how it is spelled. I think every native English speaker has had the experience of learning a word from reading it, and subsequently mis-pronouncing it because we had to guess at the pronunciation. E.g. I suffered acute embarrassment from mis-pronouncing "Hermione" when talking to a friend about the Potter books. I grew up in the UK but had never met the name before and my guess at pronunciation was entirely reasonable but entirely wrong.

Though I lived for a while in Ireland, and they have it worse. My friend Mebd laughed at me a lot.

Yes, this is also part of the reason why spelling bees are a uniquely American thing - in most other languages it is trivial to predict pronounciation from spelling, so a competition makes no sense.

It's not possible to predict pronunciation from spelling in Russian and there are no spelling bees in russia

Scotland and Ireland were known to recieve social visits from scandinavians. So there could be a reason behind that.

To add to the confusion, in English people might pronounce the article "a" as "ei" (like when reciting "ABC") or "uh" (like the start of "under"). I think most Americans do the latter. I do, at least.

English vowels are weird compared to most continental European languages, to be fair.

I'm a native Greek speaker and to my ears all European languages' vowels are weird with the exception of Spanish, which is completely normal. All those airy sounds: caaat dooog, haaaaouse, taaaaime, etc like a little fish trying to eat a much bigger fish. Let me not start with French, or Italian. Conversely, when I hear myself or another Greek speaker speak English it's like there's a little guillotine in the back of the neck that snaps shut just when a vowel is starting to form: c't, d'g, ta'm, etc.

I don't know IPA, but Japanese e and Spanish e are also different. Spanish e is like English A in "ace", Japanese e is closer to English "eh".

That's the difference between [e] and [ɛ] in IPA (in IPA, with "narrow" phonetic transcription, you enclose the sounds in brackets). In American English, "ace" is [eɪs] and "mess" is [mɛs]. But I don't think that's right; I'm pretty sure both the Japanese e and Spanish e sound exactly the same.

And if you pronounced [e] and [ɛ] to native speakers of either Spanish or Japanese, they most likely wouldn't be able to differentiate the two sounds consistently without having had training. I know that in Spanish, realization of e can be either vowel depending on the speaker and context; they might pronounce "tierra" as [tjɛra] and "mesa" as [mesa].

> And if you pronounced [e] and [ɛ] to native speakers of either Spanish or Japanese, they most likely wouldn't be able to differentiate the two sounds consistently without having had training.

I am a Spanish guy living in Japan, so I can confirm it. I didn't have any idea that the two sounds are supposed to be different because to me they sound exactly the same.

Fun fact: Japanese people are surprised that we have the same five vowels (although the U is a bit different), and that we can get the correct pronunciation very easily.

>they most likely wouldn't be able to differentiate the two sounds consistently without having had training

I learn English since I was pretty young, I believe I'm quite fluent (I mostly use English for work, I lived for two years in an English speaking country, I read books in English, etc), and I still have problems distinguishing some English vowels. I think sound acquisition is one of the hardest things to learn for a non-native speaker.

Japanese e would only ever be [ɛ]. The constructs to produce an [e] sound would be transliterated as "ei" (the quoted are just letters, not meant to be IPA).

So, while I disagree that they sound "exactly the same", I do agree that in most cases the differences between [e] and [ɛ] wouldn't be enough to cause confusion between speakers of either language.

>Japanese e would only ever be [ɛ]

What's your source for this? Wikipedia says "/e, o/ are mid [e̞, o̞]" [1]

>The mid front unrounded vowel is a type of vowel sound that is used in some spoken languages. There is no dedicated symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents the exact mid front unrounded vowel between close-mid [e] and open-mid [ɛ], but it is normally written ⟨e⟩.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_phonology?wprov=sfla1

Japanese vowels not only don't seem to be consistent across diferent mora, they actually seem to be some sort of combination of vowel + pitch.

Something amusing about Japanese vs Xhosa (a Bantu language) is that their words for yes and no are reversed:

Japanese Hai = yes, Xhosa - Hai is a no

Japanese eeye = no, Xhosa - ewe is yes

The "n" sound denoting negative seems deeply ingrained in English (and also in this native English speaker). So Finnish "niin" for affirmative took a very long time to get used to, and to actually begin using. It just felt wrong.

It goes even deeper than just English. No descends from the Indo-European negation phoneme *ne. You see similar 'n' sound negative words in pretty much every IE language group.


Amusing as long as you don't agree to something stupid I guess ..

Are they pronounced very similar?

I have seen something similar with Korean and Dutch

Korean: Ne = yes

Dutch: Nee = no

Speaking of similar sound system of Finnish and Japenese, I think we should highlight the discredited language family claim of Uralic-Altaic, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ural-Altaic_languages You can still find tons of other theories of "what else could be related to Uralic"... So far, no African languages were included in these theories. But that's probably just a question of time and politics (and definitely not linguistic research...)

>the discredited language family claim of Uralic-Altaic

I'd substitute "doubtful" for "discredited".

The article you link says nothing more damning than "It is now generally agreed [wrt Ural-Altaic] that even the Altaic languages [themselves] do not share a common descent: the similarities between Turkic, Mongolic and Tungusic are better explained by diffusion and borrowing", but that wiki comment is a paraphrasal of a source that says "a pattern [that] is easily explainable by borrowing and diffusion rather than common descent", i.e. not "better", just weakening that alternate claim.

Also, the Altaic article says that there is still a small group of scholars who adhere to an "Altaic" grouping.

And I would add, the lack of existence of an "Altaic" common ancestor to Mongolic, Turkic, Tungusic, and Koreanic says nothing about potential connections between Uralic and any of those 4 independent languages.

I'm not expert enough to advocate any position, but I'm interested and it's irritating when I pursue researching my interest to discover people slightly misquoting others or ignoring additional possiblities to make their own pov stronger.

I’d say the situation is worse than “doubtful”—-There was never any really good evidence for Ural-Altaic.

Altaic is a little more complicated, but whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to be a linguistic family tree in the same way that Indo-European is.

> This basic pattern (consonant + vowel + maybe limited option for final consonant) is very common; it's the most common arrangement among the worlds languages. Far more common than languages like English which allow monstrosities like "strengths" (which is 6 consonants and one vowel).

It's a fun spectrum!

Italian is often given as an example of this, but Italian does allow more complex consonant clusters at the beginning of a syllable than Hawaiian or Japanese (e.g. gra-do, glo-bo, pneu-ma-ti-co). You see echoes of the Italian proclivity towards final vowels in English-language stereotypes of Italian accents, where a schwa (an 'uh' sound) is added after word final consonants ("I want-uh" etc.).

Czech, on the other end of the spectrum, happily allows for things like zmrz-li-na and - famously - strč prst skrz krk (yes, that spelling is phonetic - the rs are syllabic). Interestingly though, Czech evolved out of late Proto-Slavic, and PS had a rule that no syllable end with a consonant (the law of open syllables). This made late Proto-Slavic look more like modern Italian. So, e.g. prst in Czech was prĭ-stŭ in Old Church Slavonic, and krk was krŭ-kŭ.

> Pokatokaino

According to Google Translate, that would be "shortcuts" in Maori. (Reverse, "Pokatata".) Nice!

I believe Hawaiian and Maori are somewhat related (Eastern Polynesian family)?

Maori is also another language that has the same vowel sounds as Japanese.

Google is being generous in interpreting a nonsense word there though, Pokatata (as you saw when reversing the translation) is the correct spelling.

If you know Japanese go to Google maps and scroll around New Zealand and see how many Maori place names actually make sense in Japanese.

There's quite a few fun ones that do. Paraparaumu, matamata, tearai etc. Plenty more.

> Google is being generous in interpreting a nonsense word

My prudential 'would' (not to mention the safety reverse check) saved me again... ;)

Your general gist is correct: languages with CV (consonant-vowel) phonotactics[1] with a simple vowel systems tend to develop similar features, possibly through convergent evolution:

- agglutinative syntax (i.e. combining long sequences of words and suffixes to form complex meanings) - vowel harmony (seems to exist in the earliest attested forms of Old Japanese, but not anymore) - palatalization before front vowels (i, e) - further simplification of the vowel system

My only nitpick is that Bantu languages are not relevant here. The author is explicitly focusing on Nigerian languages (although he titled that "Japanese words and name sound African"... Africa is a big continent with just as much language diversity as Asia, if not more). While there are some Bantu languages in Nigeria, they aren't as prominent there as they are in East, Central and South Africa. The author mentions Yoruba, Igbo, Fula, Hausa, Edo and several others - none of them is a Bantu language, although some are related. Even though you can put all of the languages above (except for Hausa) into the hypothetical Niger-Congo macro-family, together with the Bantu languages, they are quite far away by this point.

The other issue is that Bantu languages are probably not the best example for "Japanese-sounding" languages. They feature very frequent use of prenasalized consonants. While prenasalization almost certainly existed in Old Japanese[2] and is still retained in some northeastern dialects, this is not something people would identify with "Japanese-sounding" nowadays. Not to mention southern Bantu languages like Zulu and Xhosa that feature heavy usage of click consonants - these are completely alien to Japanese phonology.

But this doesn't detract at all from your argument. Languages with similar structure, will often sound similar. I think the other anecdote the author mentions (Plateau State languages sounding Sino-Tiban) also checks out. I am not familiar with any of these languages, but it seems many of them are tonal and based around heavy use of complex monosyllabic morphemes with complex combinations of initial consonant + medial glides(?) + diphthongs + final consonants. This is exactly what so strongly distinguishes the phonology and phonotactics of Sino-Tibetan languages.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonotactics

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendaku#Origin

Pokatokaino is indeed not a Finnish word, but contains multiple: Pokat - slang for sunglasses, Kato - slang version of katso (look), Toka - slang version of toinen (ordinal second), Kaino - timid/coy.

Finnish has umlauts though, so quite a lot of words don’t sound like the mentioned languages so much.

>Pokat - slang for sunglasses, Kato - slang version of katso (look), Toka - slang version of toinen (ordinal second), Kaino - timid/coy

sounds like if you give it a shy 2nd look through these glasses, in the dim light it works as a word!

Yep it's just the coincidence of a simple sound system and finding patterns where none exist. For example saying ba means horse in Japanese isn't exactly correct, horse is uma, ba is just the closest sound that exists which allows Japanese people to pronounce Chinese words like 馬力 circa whenever that word was added to the language, if they took it today it would be ma.

It's the equivalent of Latin or Greek words and affixes in English.

Regarding the similarities between Hawaiian and Japanese: There are theories among linguists that there is a connection between Austronesian languages and Japanese. These theories don’t seem to be infeasible, but are currently lacking sufficient supporting evidence.

That's interesting.

From an English perspective katakana (a system for writing words foreign to Japan, which can't write English very well) seems broken, but I guess from what you say that it's probably effective for most languages

It may be "broken" in the sense that it's not accurate to the original language in orthography or pronunciation, but it's great because it's internally consistent for speakers of Japanese. I can look at any foreign word in katakana and instantly know how to pronounce it in a way that is intelligible to other people in the language I'm speaking: Japanese.

Even with the way English does it for other languages that use the same alphabet, while the orthography may be similar, the pronunciation is generally just left to luck and the speaker's/listener's perception of the word's original language.

Fair - English's orthography is definitely worse.

> Finnish is also oddly similar-sounding

For a long time I ignorantly assumed that Marimekko was a Japanese brand.

Not to mention Nokia.

Just curious: what path lead you to know this stuff?

I thought Japanese was unpitched

> People who pay attention to politics are probably familiar with the late Senator Gyang Nyam Shom Pwajok. Names can’t get more Chinese than that!

That does not even remotely sound Chinese. Korean, maybe.

Gyang Nyam definitely sounds Korean (thanks to that old meme), but then Shom Pwajok is less discernable -- it's like a hint of Thai or some other southeast Asian language.

I would have guessed Shom Pwajok was a Polish Jew.

While they could be valid Korean syllables, they don't sound like Korean names, either. The only words containing "gyang" or "nyam" I can think of are slangs or onomatopoeia, and I don't think I've seen "shom" or "pwa" in the wild.

> Shok Jok. That name could pass for a Mandarin or Cantonese name.

These sounds do not exist in Mandarin. This would never be, or sound like, a Mandarin name. And no mention is made of tones, which are critical in Mandarin.

The article already smelled of a bovid's feces, but at this point I actually saw the bullshit.

These sounds sounds more like a Southern Chinese language, not Mandarin. Mandarin has highly simplified set of finals (essentially /n/, /ng/ and /r/) which cannot even combine freely with most vowels. But Southern Chinese languages preserve a more complex final system.

I still don't think "Shok Jok" sounds very much Chinese (It mostly sounds American English[1] to me), but YMMV.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_jock

Yeah, this felt like a Gell-Mann moment

Then there are real coincidences, like 'Muratori', which is both an Italian name [1] (Casey Muratori) and a real (though somewhat rare) Japanese name. [2]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muratori

[2] https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=muratori+%E6%9D%91%E9%B3%A...

Quick IT lesson:

Muro means wall

Muratore means wall builder (-atore means doer)

Muratori means wall builders (male plural )

TIL. Just assumed it's more likely a "cool" pseudonym, considering a common fascination with everything Japanese in the nerd circles, than a diverse heritage. Turns out it's neither.

When viewing my resume, my name, Ayo Ijidakinro (Nigerian), is often mistaken for Japanese.

Especially because I had on my resume that I speak some Japanese.

When I show up for the interview there is surprise.

The syllables are identical.

A-yo I-ji-da-kin-ro

ア-ヨ イ-ジ-ダ-キ-ン-ロ

Have always found it interesting.

Your name doesn't sound Japanese to me unless it ends with u vowel so that your last name sounds like Ijidakinrō.

That's interesting, because Kinro or キ-ン-ロ is an actual name in Japanese (or at least some Anime that I watch)

Ayo Edebiri has it easier I'm guessing; her last name sounds less ethnically ambiguous I'd say.

btw, there was once a consular official who worked at the Japanese embassy in Kenya, whose name was Mr. Kuma Moto. Every time he was introduced, it was hard for folks to suppress their laughter as the name literally meant "hot vagina" (in Kiswahili the noun goes first)

I guess Kumamoto prefecture is popular with Kenyan tourists then?

I guess it'd be like if there was someone who worked at the Russian embassy in Japanese and was named Mankovich because it would be rendered as マンコビッチ pussy bitch.

In some varieties of Spanish Mr Kuma Moto would be Mr. Machete Motorcycle”

seems like the Kumamoto oysters might prove a popular appetizer there

This article is just a list of examples. You will not find an answer

It is interesting, the author even added a “Why?” In the article’s title, but couldn’t come with one.

>His lexicostatistical analysis found that less than 30 percent of the similar-sounding words between Plateau State languages and China’s Sino-Tibetan languages share similar meanings. Linguists call these kinds of similarities "accidental evidence."

Ok, but that's still a very high percentage. Shouldn't that be surprising?

Perhaps of interest: STEDT https://stedt.berkeley.edu

Given how many language families there are in Africa and how wide the sound gamut is between them I bet there's a close phonetic counterpart to any language somewhere in Africa.

> Finnish is a little more flexible, and syllables can end with an n, r, l or t. No consonant clusters, in any of the languages. No syllables ending with consonants outside the restricted set (if any)

What do you mean? There are words like Ahti (Ah), ankerias (as), isku (is) or lapsi (lap) which contain syllables that end in consonants other than n, r, l or t. There are also a lot of words with double consonants (like jarru, lasso, noppa, nurkka) where syllable get split at the middle.

There is a whole genre of puns in Swahili relating to Japanese names, some real some made up.

In Hebrew too, most famously Ishimoto sounds like Ish (guy) 'im (with) Otto (car) so is considered a good name for a driver. I'll leave you to figure out why Sakimkaki is a good word for "diaper", and yes, I know that can't be japanese because of the m, but most Hebrew speakers don't.

Spanish too, as Japanese snd Spanish share many syllables and vowel sounds


And Japanese names that sound similar to Spanish phrases:

Yamamoto - Llama Moto - Fire Motorcycle

Niigata - Ni gata - Not even a cat

Kazamaura - Casa/Caza Maura - Marries or Hunts Maura

Nomiya - … No mía - Not mine / Doesn’t pee

And then there is:

Kaga - … Kagasawa - …

What I don’t know is if there are Spanish puns in Japanese?

There's also this tome, which lists thousands of cognates between latin and Japanese: https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA80581101

It's trying to make the claim that these are etymological connections, which is a bit sketchy, but the phonological similarities it has meticulously catalogued are surprisingly convincing!

There are a lot of obvious cognates between Japanese and Latin through recently borrowed English or Romance words, so I was wondering what was surprising about it.

But it seems the author is talking about traditional Japanese words, and looking for ties in words and idioms like ("kokoro" & "corculum"), ("koi" & "cupio"), ("ganbare" & "quam vale"), ("omedetō" & "omen datum").

Seems a bit farfetched to me, but I'm no expert.

There is also the Dorobo tribe which had a unique practise going back thousands of years of stealing the catch of predators such as lions. [1]

Which shares the same and the same meaning and reading as the Japanese word 泥棒(どろぼう、ドロボー、どろぼー)"dorobo", meaning thief, burglar, robber. [2]

I believe its more than just coincidence.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3MTDFNf71I

[2] https://jisho.org/word/泥棒, https://jisho.org/word/%E6%B3%A5%E6%A3%92

What about European Portuguese and Russian? For some reason they have some very similar sounds, to my ear.

Yes interesting elephant in Japanese is almost the same word in Shona (a bantu language of Zimbabwe) nzou vs zou and sound very similar. Many words have similar structures. Many shona names could be mistaken to be Japanese.

zou is actually the onyomi (Chinese origin) reading. I guess the sound has been morphed since Japanese doesn't have tones like Chinese.

I want a historical fantasy explanation for this.

Just seems like it would be a fun world to explore.

Reminds me of when a Japanese town celebrated Obama becoming president.



(Yes I know he’s not African.) But it’s fun that his surname can be easily pronounced in Japan and Hawaii (although it would probably be Opama).

This situation was referenced in the article. :)

JP Hash: hashes strings into an output consisting of easy-to-type/remember Japanese syllables, ensuring there is an upper case letter, symbol and digit.



I think it's because we transcribe the languages discussed into the Latin alphabet.

If you hear the languages spoken, they sound nothing like each other.

I doubt that Bantu has Mongol origins. They only might have in common the tendency to avoid consonant clusters, by inserting vocals.


Yoruba is a tonal language like Japanese. There are a lot of similarities and Japanese isn’t nearly as alien to Yoruba speakers as it is to English speakers.

A similar phenomenon https://youtu.be/uGkLjfPWqeI

So do we know why? Apologies if I’ve missed this.

All humans share same vocal cords, breathing and tongue and mouth shape. For there you can derive some amount of sounds that travel reasonably well in air.

I would expect most of these sounds to follow similar rules. Sometimes there might be something like clicks, but in general similar sounds will be used. And certain styles will probably cluster as well.

In the end you have handful of options and thousands of languages. So some must end up being similar.

The article seems to say it's random chance, based upon one linguists opinion. Doesn't at all feel right statistically. Seems more likely there would be some kind of missing link. Could someone better informed possibly figure out the odds?

>Doesn't at all feel right statistically

Why not? Many unrelated languages steer towards the open syllable rule. It's basically the only similarity between Japanese and African languages. Open syllables without complex consonant clusters are easier to pronounce.

Say, Proto-Slavic phonetics mostly allowed only open syllables, although its ancestor and descendants allow more complex clusters. For example, Proto-Indoeuropean domos "house" became Proto-Slavic domu, and mater "mother" became mati.

Let's list some Proto-Slavic words: noga "foot", ronka "hand", nosu "nose", oko "eye", podushiwa "foot sole", noguti "nail" etc.

You can cherrypick many languages like that (Finnish, Maori, Basque, even French to some extent)

It would be much more surprising if they found 2 unrelated languages and they both had same complex clusters a la Georgian (mtsvrtneli "trainer").

Thanks, that all makes a lot of sense.

As to why it felt off: identical patterns across as-yet unconnected distributions is usually an early indicator of undiscovered relation.

Your suggestion of language steering toward open syllables may well be that relationship.

Everytime I listen to Waka Waka by Shakira in the chorus I always sing さあみんな、みんなさんこれは、穴はあぁあぁ

What language is African

"African" isn't a language. But it does mean "from Africa". So saying Japanese words sound African is a perfectly sensible thing to say.

Source: am African. I too am not a language.

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