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“Knows about everything yet understands nothing.”

Spanish version is much more compact and can be pronounced quicker so it can be used as pun.

This English version, you cannot just punch it, there has to be a pause like after "yet" or a comma before yet and then punch is delivered but still "understands nothing" is a mouthful compared to "pero de ná entiende" even though my Spanish is non existing, still feels like I could pronounce it much faster or much easier.

Funny, to me this English translation is very close in form and spirit to the Spanish one. I don’t know if I agree that “understands nothing” is comparatively a mouthful, considering that it’s 2 vs 4 words. But I do agree that the Spanish one packs a punch that is hard to get in translation. Part of that is the short words with strong accents, and a certain rhyming to the whole phrase.

I enjoy a lot the process of translating very idiomatic phrases, one way or another. I feel like I get to know both languages better.

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