I assume the general-ish “we”, where it is general to the likes of you and I (and that zeroxfe). There are likely many in the world stuck at the end of connections run over tech that this “general subset” would consider archaic, and that zeroxfe was implying their connections, while slow, may be similarly stable to ours back then.
Also, a low bandwidth stable connection could be one of many multiplexed through a higher bandwidth stable connection.
I assume the general-ish “we”, where it is general to the likes of you and I (and that zeroxfe). There are likely many in the world stuck at the end of connections run over tech that this “general subset” would consider archaic, and that zeroxfe was implying their connections, while slow, may be similarly stable to ours back then.
Also, a low bandwidth stable connection could be one of many multiplexed through a higher bandwidth stable connection.